Part 25

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"So, how does it feel coming back to Madrid as a band?" The interviewer asked the boys. We were in Spain for the tour. This was my first time in Spain and I am loving every second of it. The boys have been busy with rehearsals, interviews and performances, but this doesn't mean that the boys, Rachel, Lots and I didn't get a chance to explore the places we would go to. Sometimes Maya and Amelia had joined us till the time they were here with Liam and Niall. Even though we would roam around the cities, I would make sure that the boys don't get tired even just for a small rehearsal or an interview but we have had a blast with each other.

Their shows were going amazing as usual along with the fan projects that we had left on the fans of each place we would travel to organise and we would provide them with all the help they would need. In between, it kind of became difficult to hide it from the boys as we would be with them 24/7, even during interviews. So we would plan everything after we all go to our respective rooms. 

The boys complete their morning radio interview and we soon leave for our hotel. The boys were going to have a photoshoot soon for a worldwide famous magazine and one of the photographers is from London apparently, so I guess it will be interesting to see where it goes.

Jeff, Paul and I were going to meet the photographers while the boys take some rest and rehearse for the show tomorrow. The photo shoot was going to start in the evening. 

"Hey, it's Machester's United match today! How could I forget? " Rachel says, her eyes on her phone.

"You are a fan?" Harry asks and she gives him her 'are you joking?' look.

"A fan? That's too small of a word for how much I love them." She replies and Harry gives her a cheeky smile. 

"You are coming with us to the hotel, right? Let's watch the match together? All of us ?" Harry suggests and Rachel perks up and smiles excitedly.

"Yeah, it will be fun," Liam says and they start talking about the football season and different teams. 

We finally reach the hotel from where I was going to leave with Paul and Jeffery to the set and meet the photographers.

"I will see you soon," I said waving at them before getting into the car with Jeff and Paul. 

"Bye Kat, have fun," Rachel shouts before dragging Harry and Louis into the hotel excited to watch the match. God! Rachel and her obsession with that team is something I will never get but she loves them so much that I think she has watched everything there is on the internet about them. Niall and Liam look at her and chuckle before following her into the hotel, not before waving at me.

The whole ride with Jeff and Paul was not at all awkward like I had expected for some reason but in fact, it was so much fun. We never ran out of topics to talk about, Jeff and Paul maybe 40-year-old men but they are so young at heart and sweet. They have a warm yet very determined personality. 

We laughed so much and they told me so much about the boys before he hiatus. So, let's say in the end I have so many things to use against the boys now since I know a lot their embarrassing stories. 

Busy into the conversation, we didn't realise when we reached the set. 

"That was fast," Paul comments getting out of the door. I laugh and show him the time.

"2 hours? How far was this?" We laugh and thank the driver before walking into the set which clearly looked like a photoshoot set with loads of lighting and cameras, a white background. We saw people walking around with a camera in their hand. 

Jeff took the lead and talked to the first person he saw. I was looking around when my eyes landed on a familiar pair of hazel eyes when my whole body tensed. It's been half a year since I have seen him.

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