Part 17

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"Heyy you are here!!!" We hear a deep and raspy voice from behind us, turning to see we spot Harry in a light blue shirt with the top button undone with black jeans underneath, with his usual multiple rings in his fingers and a glass of champagne in his hand.

"And you look beautiful." He commented looking at both of us. Rachel and I looked at each other laughed.

"Well thank you, Harry, " Rachel replied and we went back to the conversation with Niall and Louis.

"Where is Liam?" I asked looking around.

"Last time I saw him, he was talking to Paul and some of the other guys." Harry answers.

"Alright, I am going to find Scott, Do you know where he is?" I asked, knowing well that Rachel is smirking beside me.

"Oh yeah, I just saw him talking with some people over there." Harry answers pointing towards a group of guys standing with beers in their hand and I see Scott. Thanking Harry, I walk over them. I tap Scott's shoulder, not wanting to interrupt the whole group by speaking up. He turns around and his eyes lighten as he looks at me.

"You are here." He says pulling me in for a hug.

"I am here." I chuckle as we pull away taking a good look at him, he was wearing a black leather jacket over a white shirt and black jeans underneath. He looked hot and his blue eyes were sparkling under the dim light of the room. 

"You look beautiful." He commented with a soft smile.

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself," I said and he wrapped one his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to introduce me to the people he was just talking to. Two or three faces looked familiar because I had worked with them for a day or two for the video. It was nice talking to them, they seemed very welcoming and cool.

"You need to refill that?" Scott asked pointing towards the empty glass in my hand. 

"Yeah" I replied.

"I will get it for you, I need another beer anyway." He offered and I suggested that I join him. We excused ourselves and walked over to the bar, I was expecting to see Rachel and the boys there but they were missing. 

"Here." Scott handed the refilled glass over to me and took a beer for himself and we leaned against the counter looking ahead. We dived into conversations and he was telling me about this weird thing that he saw on a street recently, making me laugh by the way he was pathetically trying to mimic the whole situation. I shared some of my embarrassing encounters as well.

By the end of the conversation, we both were laughing so hard that we couldn't stand straight. 

"That was so stupid. Now I don't even know why we are laughing so much about it ." I said after catching my breath. 

"Tell me about it ." He added. 

"Hey, you are here, I was looking for you," Lottie calls walking towards us with Louis, Lou and Liam behind her.

"Hey," I said as we hug each other. As we pull away I notice how hot she looks, with her dark blue skin tight short dress with killer heels. One thing I have noticed about Lottie is that she is very passionate about the clothes she chooses and wears and the makeup she uses. I mean she has the products that she produces with Lou but she has so much knowledge about so many things, that's very admiring.

"You look great." She says,

"Look who is talking, ever looked into a mirror." I winked making her laugh. I greet Liam and Lou as well with a hug, both of them looking amazing.

"You want to dance? This one over here is a very boring person." Lottie asks pointing at Lou who rolls her eyes in response. 

"Yeah let's go we should all go," I suggested looking at all of them.

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