1| The birthday present

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"Happy birthday, Miles!" Caroline Waters sang as she and her husband- Stefan Waters- wished their adopted daughter a happy birthday.

"Thanks," Miley yawned.

She was in the middle of a good dream- she was at Hogwarts and she was a Chaser for the Gryffindor quidditch team. She had just scored her 15th goal and everyone was cheering for her.

"I'll be down in a bit," she said after they told her breakfast is ready.

She got dressed and took a quick shower knowing her foster parents already planned something for the 3 of them.

"Thanks," she told her owl, and Crytal pecked her softly before flying out. Miley looked at the letters she got. 1 from the Weasleys, 1 from Katie, 1 from Angelina, 1 from Alicia, 1 from Hermione, 1 from Hagrid- and 1 from her brother. She got another one from the twins as well and grinned.

"Mind if I open my letters right now?" she asked her parents when she came downstairs with her letters.

"Of course you can," Stefan said him and Caroline exchanged smiles. Miley had a feeling they knew something was up but she wanted to read her letters and open her gifts from her friends.

She got some homemade cookies from Hagrid, a book about Charms from Hermione, some candies and another cute sweater from Mrs. Weasley, some perfumes and muggle clothes from Alicia, Katie, and Angelina.

She opened the Weasley twins letter and got a prank kit filled with some epic pranks she could pull on people.

"So, where are we going for my fourteenth birthday?" she asked grinning. Caroline came and Miley's grin widened when she saw her birthday breakfast- chocolate chip pancakes.

"Somewhere you haven't exactly... been before," Stefan said.

Miley opened her mouth to ask what he meant but a loud crash interrupted her.

"Um- that came from our living room," she said and they all left their food to go see what caused the noise.

Miley screamed when she saw who it was.

Ron, Fred, George, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were standing there.

"Happy birthday!" they chorused and MIley ran and the twins pulled her in for a hug.

"Did you guys come in through Floo Powder?" she asked when she pulled apart from the twins and they nodded.

"Miles- we agreed to let you spend the rest of the summer with the Weasleys," Stefan said with a fatherly grin.

"Thank you!" she said happily.

"We'll help you get packed while mum and dad talk to your parents," Fred said. Miley led the twins and Ron to her room.

"It's not much but whatever," she shrugged when she opened her room door.

Her walls were covered with Muggle book posters as well as her favorite Muggle singers. She had a big bookshelf that had muggle books in it- her books for Hogwarts were hidden because she had muggle friends who who show up randomly during their summer vacations.

"I like it," Fred said approvingly as Miley got her suitcase out and packed.

"So, how's it like being 14?" George asked, sitting down on theedge of her bed, watching her pack.

"Normal- same as always," she shrugged, hustling around for her books which were all around her room.

"Um-" Ron said looking at a sports bra on the floor.

"Shit," Miley cursed under her breath. She was mad at herself for having such a messy room.

"Um- look away or something," she snapped and the boys looked away- Miley had to give Fred a nasty glare to make him look away. She picked up her bra and hid it in her closet.

"Ok- I'm done," she said and put her hands on her waist.

"Ok, let's go," George said.

They walked downstairs to see the Waters and the Weasley's in an important discussion.

Mr. Weasley saw them and cleared his throat. The others stopped talking and looked at Miley who had her suitcase in her hand.

"Ready? Let's go," Mrs. Weasley smiled.

She taught Miley how to travel by Floo Powder.


"So- this is the famous Burrow you always talk about?" Miley asked the twins once she brushed off all the soot on her clothes with the help from the twins and Mrs. Weasley.

Miley wasn't sure if she liked travelling by Floo Powder very much but she was satisfied she did it right the first time.

"It's not much," Ron mumbled.

"I like it. It feels very... comfortable," she grinned.

The Burrow had a very comforting vibe she liked and she loved the fact that magic use was very common. It would take time for her to get used to it but she wasn't complaining.

"I'll be making a huge lunch. Miley, dear you can unpack. Fred and George- show her Ginny's room. You two will be sharing," she said and headed off to the kitchen.

Miley was about to tell her she didn't have to make a big lunch but Fred told her, "Don't complain about the lunch- it'll just get her moodier,"

Miley hesitated but nodded and followed the twins to the youngest Weasley's room.

"Hello, Miley. Happy birthday!" Ginny said cheerfully when Miley and the twins entered. "Mum already used magic to divide the room up. That's your side," she said pointing across from where she was.

"Thanks," Miley grinned and put her suitcase on her bed.

"We could pull pranks on Percy- did you pack the prank kit we got you?" George asked sitting on Ginny's bed while Fred sat next to Miley on her bed. Miley had spent her free time planning some pranks and was excited they would play some pranks.

"Yup," she smirked and got it out.


"Wake up!" Fred shouted in Miley's ears. As a reflex, she slapped him and he yelped.

"Ouch!" he said and cast a hurt look to Miley who chuckled and mocked him.

Ginny woke up and yawned while Miley stretched, ignoring Fred who was cursing because his face hurt.

"It's Harry's birthday!" Miley said realizing it was July 31st.

She had been having so much fun at The Burrow with the Weasleys that her brothers birthday snuck up on her.

"I have to send him his gift," she said and opened her suitcase. She had brought a book about rare quidditch strategies that work loads of times- he's obseed with quidditch- and some muggle candies he likes.

"Miley- Crystal arrived this morning," Ron said coming into her and Ginny's room. "Thanks," she said as she packed up the candies and the book together neatly and fancy.

"Let's go down for breakfast- I'm starving," Ginny said and yawned again.

"Good morning- I believe it's Harry's birthday today," Mrs. Weasley greeted them in a cheerful tone. "Yeah," Miley said sitting next to Ginny who yawned again.

"Did you not get any sleep?" she asked Ginny.

"I did- I'm just not a morning person," she grumbled and Miley agreed. "I love the nighttime," she said happily and Ginny nodded violently.

"I just sent Harry his gift," Ron said walking to the dining area. "You could've used Crytal. She just left," Miley pointed out.

"Yeah- I used her too," Ron grimaced and Miley gave him a questioning look he pretended not to see.

First chapter- vote & comment pls! 


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