8| The writing on the wall

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Miley could tell that Harry told Ron and Hermione about the voice he heard because they were whispering with worried looks on their faces- and Hermione had 5 different books open. She wasn't that worried about Harry hearing different voices- she just thought he was tired and sleep-deprived.

She and the twins somehow managed to not land any detentions yet. George wanted to soak Filch and his cat in permanent paint that changed color depending on your mood. Fred placed a bet that it would always stay red- for anger- but Professor Flitwick overheard them and shut the idea down. Miley was grateful he didn't give them detention though- but then again he usually never did.

It was October- one of Miley's favorite time of the year. She grinned at the fall decorations as she passed by.

"Miles," Oliver Wood called to her. "I'll be right back," she told Katie who grinned mischievously. She closed her book- it was her Transfiguration book- and heard towards Oliver who looked a little nervous.

"The Hogsmeade trip is coming up... do you maybe want to go with me?" he asked nervously fidgeting with his broomstick.

"Sounds fun," Miley grinned. She knew he was asking her out but didn't want to make it awkward by asking for clarification-

"I'm asking you out by the way," he replied hastily.

"Yeah, I figured," she grinned.

"Also, do you want to practice right after tryouts? I picked them early so we could have some one-on-one after I tell you you're on the team," he grinned- as he had just won the World Quidditch Cup.

"Ok!" she said grinning back and watched him making his way to his friends.

"Did you know he was going to ask me out?" Miley asked Katie, Alicia, and Angelina who were smirking.

"I might've told him to finally shoot his shot," Angelina shrugged.

"He's cute- don't you think?" Alicia replied. "Yeah," Miley blushed.

"Don't let Fred and George hear you say that," Katie smirked.

"I'm not gonna tell them," Miley said but winced as Fred jump scared her.

"I heard someone asked you out," he said with a glare.

"I heard you said yes," George added.

"Bye," Miley said and headed off to her dormitory before they could bother her with any questions.


"Please stop ignoring me! I'm a person too, you know!" Miley begged the twins to talk to her. It's been a few hours since the Oliver fiasco and the twins decided not to speak to her.

She was rushing to keep up with them as they were walking to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast.

"D'you hear something?" George asked Fred who shook his head. Miley glared at them but got distracted as she saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron coming towards them in deep conversating.

"The Great Hall is this way," George said stopping them. "We know- we were just invited to Nearly Headless Nick's Halloween party," Hermione informed him. "Oh," he answered.

"By the way- if you hear someone who's the new Chaser for the quidditch team- you didn't," Fred said.

The Golden Trio looked at a fuming Miley who was so close to tackling Fred and getting on top of him-

"Please- what did I even do? I'm just going out for the first time with a boy. Is that so illegal?" she pleaded as they entered the Great Hall. "I mean- you should be happy for me,"

Miley James Potter & the Secret DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now