11| The Polyjuice potion

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Lockhart had stopped bringing in creatures for the class ever since word broke out he gave the second-year pixies to deal with and left them alone to fight them. He usually read them stories and picked on the twins and Miley to act them. Mikey didn't mind- she was used to causing chaos and dramatically acted her parts out causing the class to laugh.

They decided today was the day they would ask Lockhart for the note- it had been 2 days since they talked about the Polyjuice Potion and they decided they needed to act fast before the Heir of Slytherin struck again.

"Homework- write a small essay about my book about fending off Boggarts," Lockhart announced when the bell rang.

The twins and Miley slowly packed their belongings.

"You go- it'll look suspicious if you stay," Miley whispered to the twins who nodded.

"Professor-" Miley started.

"I wanted to get this book- out of the library but it's unfortunately in the Restricted Section," she began.

"Ah- if you just wanted an autograph you could've just said so- no need to make excuses," Lockhart said and gave her a signed note.

"Thank you," Miley said gritting her teeth.

"I believe you're the new Chaser for the quidditch team?" Lockhart asked Miley before she could escape. "I used to be a Chaser- I could give pointers if you'd like,"

"Um- no it's ok," Miley said.

"You could always ask," Lockhart sang and Miley nodded and escaped while she had the chance.

"Don't say anything," Miley scowled at the twins who watched what happened and were hiding their smirks.

"Would you like an autograph?" Fred mimicked Lockhart and Miley chuckled.

"He didn't even ask what book you wanted," George said.

"Git," Fred and Miley said and sang the word over and word.

They met Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the library and Miley held the note for them to see.

"Brainless git didn't even ask what book she wanted," George whispered to Ron.

"He's not a brainless git," Hermione fumed.

"I'm sorry- but he is," Miley said nodding.

They stopped talking as Madam Pince- the librarian made her way over to them.

"Moste Potente Potions," she said looking at the book Hermione was clutching. "Do you have a note?"

"I have it," Miley said and handed her the note. She looked at it hard making sure it wasn't forged and handed it back to her. She still had a suspicious look on her face but left the 6 of them.

"Stop looking so guilty, Hermione," Ron said to Hermione who had the book in her bag with a guilty expression.

"It's hard," she snapped but Miley noticed her expression changed into a look of innocence.

"Hogsmeade is in 2 days," George said.

"Want to come with us-" Fred started but stopped at once. He forgot Miley was going with Oliver.

"If our date ends early I could join you two," Miley offered.

"No, it's fine," Fred said softly and smiled a little at her.

Miley playfully shoved him and he did it back. Then they continued their small game back to the common room.

"Wait-" Harry stopped them. Miley looked around and only saw the out-of-order girls bathroom- the one haunted by Moaning Myrtle.

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