7| The quidditch practice

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"Wake up Miley," Katie said waking up Miley.

"What?" Miley mumbled. She looked at the window and saw it was still dark. She started to go back to sleep. 

"I don't see the sun so I'm going back to sleep," she mumbled but Alicia used her wand to wake up Miley with a blast of icy cold water.

"You want to play Chaser?" she asked a bit loud for Miley's taste. 

Miley nodded.

"Then let's go practice some quidditch," Angelina declared.

Miley woke up and the girls headed down to the quidditch field. She was surprised to see the rest of the team there.

Oliver was the only one who was fully awake.

"Glad you brought Miles," Oliver grinned. Miley yawned in response and put her head on Fred's shoulder. The blast of cold water didn't do the trick.

"Why did you even hold tryouts if you're going to bring Miley in the team anyway," George wondered.

Miley opened her eyes to see Oliver grinning.

"I have to- McGonagall wouldn't let me let Miley in without her trying out," he answered.

"Alright, mount your brooms," Miley's eyes widened. She'd been too busy making sure she could catch the quaffles she forgot about the flying part!

"Um..." Miley stared nervously at the broom Oliver gave her.

"You'll be fine," he assured her.

She watched the others mount their brooms and copied them. She was on the air in no time.

"Chasers- pass the ball and take turns shooting," Oliver called then he instructed the twins to practice their things and Harry to catch the Snitch as many times as he could.

Harry and the twins yawned in response and did as they were told.

In no time Miley was getting the hang of flying and shooting the quaffle in the hoops.

"She's a natural," Oliver said and everyone else agreed. The twins stopped and wrestled the Bludgers back in the box to see Miley's performance and Harry caught the Snitch for the hundredth time and did the same.

"250 points in an hour! Blimey!" Fred said in awe and Miley grinned.

"This is part of our new training program, up for it?" Oliver asked Miley who paused for a second but nodded.

A first-year made his way to Harry who cringed at the sight of him. He was a tiny and small kid who carried a camera with him everywhere he went.

"Hello Harry!" he said cheerfully

"Hello Colin," Harry mumbled back.

"Blimey! Is that your sister! I overheard some Hufflepuff's saying they'd like to go out with her," Colin gushed at Miley who's face turned red.

"Not on my watch," Fred scowled.

"Can I get a picture?" Colin asked ignoring Fred. Miley was about to make an excuse not to but the Slytherins were sneering at her nearby.

Wood started on his motivating speech and Miley rushed to listen in because she wanted to get rid of Colin. She felt bad at first but he was really annoying and she didn't want to take any pictures.

She saw Ron and Hermione making their way to Harry carrying toasts and other foods. She felt jealous because she was starving and barely had any dinner. And on cue, her stomach growled.

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