14| The fight

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Miley woke up the next day and groaned at the thought of having to face everyone. She knew the girls would want to know about her brother's ability to talk to snakes but Miley didn't have the answers.

"Miley- it's ok if you don't want to talk about it," Katie said softly when Miley finished making her bed.

Miley- who was desperate for a true friend- went to her and hugged her. She hugged back with no hesitation. In two seconds, both Alicia and Angelina joined and they were in a group hug.

"Thank you," Miley said looking at all of them.

They made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. The twins were already with Lee Jordan.

Miley made eye contact with Oliver who had a worried expression on his face.

"Be right back," she whispered to Katie and went to Oliver.

"Are you alright?" he asked looking at MIley who didn't bother with her hair. She hadn't been able to sleep for days no and looked like a mess- on top of that her messy bun wasn't doing her any favors.

"Real swell," she said dryly and Oliver chuckled.

"Look- I don't believe those rumors," he said and Miley froze.

"What rumors?"

"Oh," Oliver said looking down turning pink. "The rumors about Harry being the Heir of Slytherin," he mumbled speaking very fast.

"What?' Miley said. She could understand Oliver clearly and was surprised people were thinking that about her brother.

"I don't believe them," Oliver assured her.

"I know you don't- but Harry would never..." Miley said glancing at her brother who was trying to ignore the Slytherins rude remarks.

"Class is about to start- I'll see you soon," Oliver said and kissed Miley on the forehead before leaving with his friends.


"I don't think Potter's the only one- maybe he has an accomplice, say a partner in crime?" Flint sneered. They were in Care of Magical Creatures and were put in groups to take care of a unicorn.

"Like his sister," he added.

Miley rolled her eyes. It was bad enough Flint was in her class- why did he have to be in her group?

"Leave her alone," Fred scowled.

Miley was thankful she had one of the twins- but of course, it had to be the one who was bipolar to her. One second he was nice and playful with her and the next second he's distant and like a stranger.

"A brother and sister duo, how cute," Ivy Hinkley- one of Flint's friends chimed in. Miley shot her a dirty look.

"We'll catch them or my name isn't Fred Weasley," Fred said bitterly.

"Your close- it's Fred Gideon Weasley," Miley smiled sweetly at him. He mimicked her smile and Miley felt like they were back to normal- except they weren't. She tried to change her frown into a smile before no one noticed but too late.

"What happened?" Fred asked Miley. He had noticed her frown. "Nothing," she said and focused on the unicorn they were supposed to be observing.

"I can't wait for the holidays," George moaned. They were in the common room doing the huge pile of homework they were assigned.

"Me neither," Miley sighed. She noticed everyone was avoiding her & her brother but didn't have the time to give any shits about it. She was too busy worrying about the potion, her homework and-

Miley James Potter & the Secret DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now