2| The flying car

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Also, I'm gonna make Wattpad Ginny a queen because movie Ginny was not it. 



"I hope Harry got his gift," Miley wondered. It was 10 pm and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were asleep- as well as Percy. The twins and Ron barged into the girl's room because none of them were tired.

"Me too- we got him stuff from Zonko's," George grinned.

"Hopefully he uses it on those cruel muggles," Ginny laughed but quieted down in case her mum and dad heard them. 

Zonko's was a joke shop in Hogsmeade- a wizarding place with shops only wizards and witches had access to. Third-years and up could go to Hogsmeade and Miley and the twins only went a few times when they weren't busy with school work or finding out about the Sorcerer's Stone

"I wanted that for my birthday," Ron grumbled but the twins ignored him.

"You know what- we should save him from those horrible muggles," Fred said all of a sudden. 

"How?" Miley couldn't help but ask. She knew he had a bad idea but she also didn't want her brother to be miserable on his birthday- which was almost over. 

"Follow us," George said with a smirk. 

The twins led Ginny, Miley, and Ron to the shed outside. They had to tiptoe and be extra careful they wouldn't make any noises. 

"A car? How are we going to save Harry with a car? We can't even drive yet," Miley said dryly when George opened the shed to reveal a Ford Anglia that was pale blue. 

"Miles- everything it not what it seems," Fred said gently but Miley felt like he was mocking her. 

Ron and Ginny's faces brightened and MIley could tell they knew what they were going to do. 

"Can someone explain to me what we're doing?" she asked a bit angry. 

"Dad bewitched it so it can fly and can be invisible," Ron explained while the twins hunted for the keys. 

"And it can magically expand to fit all the Weasleys," Ginny chuckled. 

"Mum doesn't know- if she finds out..." George winced as his voice trails off and Miley chuckled as she envisioned Mrs. Weasley's reaction when she found out what her husband did to the Ford Anglia. 

"Ron, Fred, and I will get Harry and you 2 can deal with mum," George said speaking fast but Miley understood all of it. 

"No- you can't leave us with... her," Ginny said also understanding. "She'll scream and shout at us," Miley argued. 

"Sorry," the twins shrugged and Ron quickly went in the backseat while Fred got in the driver's seat. 

"See you!" George waved and sat in the passenger's seat. 

"Well... I guess we'll have to get sweet revenge," Miley smirked. 

"I like what your thinking," Ginny grinned. 


"Mum- mum wake up," Ginny said waking Mrs. Weasley up. "What happened?" her mother mumbled and rubbed her eyelids. 

"The Ford Anglia is gone," Ginny said. 

Miley swore she never saw anyone get out of bed that fast. 

She called the boys downstairs- Percy was the only one who came and she became furious. 

"How did you know it was missing?" she asked frantically when they were inside. Mrs. Weasley checked the shed again to see if it had magically appeared. 

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