4| The story of the house-elf

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"Miley- we need to talk," Harry said barging into MIley and Ginny's room. They had just gotten back from Diagon Alley and Ginny was in the kitchen watching her mother cook dinner for all of them. 

"Ok," she said sitting on the edge of her bed. 

The twins came in hooting with laughter. 

"Needed to see us?" George asked Ron who nodded. 

Fred sat next to MIley and played with her hair while Harry told them about meeting the strangest thing ever. 

"The way you described it- sounds like a house-elf," Miley murmured and Ron nodded. 

"His name is Dobby and he wanted me about not going back to Hogwarts. He said there are dangerous things waiting for me there. He also told me to warn you to, Miles," Harry added and Fred put a protective arm around Miley. 

"Well if she can't go- I'm not going," he said stubbornly and Miley laughed. 

"I bet it was a prank from Draco," she chuckled. 

"That's what I thought too- but I'm going back," Harry said. 

"I won't stop you. I'm going back too," she shrugged. 

"Also, there's one more thing," Harry said quickly. 

Then he told them about ending up at Borgin and Burkes- the Weasleys were jealous about that- and seeing the Malfoy's wanting to sell something valuable. 

"Hermione thinks it's suspicious," Ron said when Harry finished. 

"I agree with her- did you tell Ron's dad?" Miley asked. 

"Yeah, he thought the same thing," Harry answered. 

"I suggest you keep an eye on him then," Miley shrugged. She had other things on her mind- like the house-elf for instance. 

Mrs. Weasley came in to tell them dinner was ready. 


"I'm going to miss this place," Miley said wiping a fake tear. They were getting ready to get to King's Cross. 

"Summer went by too fast," George agreed. 

"Let's go losers!" Fred hollered and Mrs. Weasley yelled at him. 

Ginny hauled her trunk downstairs and Miley had to force Fred to help her because she was struggling to carry it. 

"How-" Harry started looking at the small car and the huge amount of things the family had packed. 

"Magic," Miley smirked answering him, making sure Mrs. Weasley wasn't nearby to hear her. His eyes widened as he watched Fred fit 3 fat suitcases fit perfectly in the trunk without any difficulty. He winked at them and helped haul Ginny's suitcase in as well/ 

"I love magic," Harry said with a grin and MIley agreed. 


Miley and Fred played hand games with each other while Mr. and Mrs. Weasley argues whether to use the invisibility booster Mr. Weasley installed in the car. 

"But we're getting late," 

"I said no- not in broad daylight," 

Mr. Weasley gave a defeated sigh and they left off to King's Cross. 

"Percy first," Mr. Weasley said when they were there. He looked at the watch nervously. 

Once Percy disappeared, the twins and Miley neared the column. 

They chatted and when no one was looking they disappeared. 

Once Mrs. Weasley and Ginny came, they had to quickly get on the train. There was too much chaos for Miley to notice her brother and Ron were missing until 5 minutes when they left King's Cross.

"Let me go check around," George said when Miley gasped that she didn't recall Ron and Harry getting on the train. 

Ginny gave her a nervous look and Miley crossed her fingers that she was wrong and that Harry and Ron did indeed get on the train. 

15 minutes later the twins came back both looking worried. 

"We checked everywhere-" 

"But no one saw them," 

The twins and Miley exchanged looks. All 3 of them were thinking about checking the map but they couldn't with Ginny in there- and she was too nervous to be left alone. 

"You two go check it somewhere else- I'll stay with Ginny," Miley whispered very quietly to Fred.

He ignored her. 

"I'm sure they'll be fine..." Ginny started. Miley forget she was here for a second. 

"I'll be right back- restroom," she added and left. George had to point her the way before she left. 

"Get the map," Miley hissed. George got the map and said the words while Fred made sure no one was listening in on them. 

"Dammit- it only shows Hogwarts," Miley sighed, frustrated. Fred put the map away when they said they wouldn't need it anymore. 

"Maybe the barrier closed in on them," George suggested when it was just the 3 of them. 

"But we were right on time," Miley said.  

"You don't think it was that bloody elf do you?" Fred asked. 

"Would Malfoy be that desperate for Harry to get kicked out...?" Miley said slowly. 

"Course he would. Harry's the most talented one on the team," Fred scoffed. 

"Yeah- maybe he's trying out and is scared Harry will beat Slytherin- again," George grinned. 

MIley started thinking about her quidditch dream... 

Maybe I should listen to Oliver and finally try out for the team. You only have a few years at Hogwarts...

Miley yawned and Fred looked at her. 

"Wanna sleep? I'll lend you my shoulder," he said. 

"Ok," she yawned. She didn't waste any time interrogating him if he was pranking her. 

She fell asleep on Fred's shoulder while the Weasley's- and Lee Jordan- played some games. She had no idea how she would be able to fall asleep with all the noise but found it to be no problem. 

She easily fell asleep dreaming about being a Chaser for the quidditch team. 

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