6| The diary

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The next day went by in a breeze, History of Magic was boring. The twins and Miley usually spend that class to discuss new pranks by passing notes. They were all- meaning the Gryffindors only- harassed by Snape for forgetting past lessons- Miley remembered everything but he still bullied her. She never forgot the reason why he hated her and her brother.

Miley got ready for Charms when the twins barged into her dormitory.

"Get out!" Katie shrieked. She was doing her essay for Charms but spilled her ink because the twin's sudden appearance scared her.


"In a bit,"

"What's up?" Miley asked still going through her books to find the right one for class even though they still had to eat breakfast.

"Wood- he fancies you," Fred scowled.

"Only because he wants me to try out for quidditch," Miley chuckled.

Angelina gasped.

Katie spilled her ink all over her essay again.

Alicia dropped her Transfiguration book.

The twin's faces fell.

"Well- are you?" Katie asked once she used a spell to clean her essay and desk.

"Yeah- for Chaser," Miley said awkwardly.

The girls cheered and the twins frown turned into a smile.

"Wish you told us sooner," George grinned.

"Thanks- when are tryouts by the way. I've been meaning to ask Oliver," Miley wondered aloud and everyone shrugged.

"You guys are a big help," she scoffed. 


"Mail's due any minute," Ron said at breakfast. He was nervously looking at the window.

"D'you think mum's gonna notice?" he added.

"Of course she is. Blimey, the car's gone Ronnie," Fred answered and Ron groaned.

"Owls!" Seamus Finnigan shouted as the owls flew in the Great Hall.

Miley noticed Crytal wasn't among them and resumed eating her breakfast.

"Errol!" Ron shouted at the lumpy thing that landed in Hermione's jug. Miley was close enough to get a little sprayed with milk.

"Oh no-" The twins and Ron said looking at the thing Ron received.

"What? The owls fine," Miley shrugged.

"Not the bloody owl- it's a Howler," Fred said.

"I remember the times we got those daily," George reminisced and Fred smirked.

"Oh- yeah I remember those," Miley said than winced at Ron's miserable face.

"You should just open it now- before it, explo-" Neville advised but too late. The Howler exploded and Mrs. Weasley's voice (but much louder) screamed at Ron.


By now, everyone had their eyes on the Gryffindor table because Mrs. Weasley yells were very loud.


Miley looked over at Harry who acted like he couldn't hear a thing.

Miley James Potter & the Secret DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now