13| The dueling club

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The next day, Miley couldn't stop thinking of her steamy kiss with Oliver. Every time she thought about it, she blushed and had to look down so no one would notice. She and Oliver made eye-contact every time they passed by and grinned at each other- he was a year above her. She was thankful he wasn't being awkward around her.

The holidays were approaching and the Polyjuice Potion was only half-way finished. Miley helped Hermione as much as she could but her classes were getting challenging- and she had quidditch practices- and Hermione told Miley to focus on those first.

"Malfoy's staying for the holidays," Harry said urgently as the Golden Trio entered the Great Hall for breakfast.

Professor McGonagall was passing out parchment for everyone to sign if they were staying at Hogwarts during the holidays.

"Then we're all staying too," Miley said and all 5 of them- Fred hadn't shown up yet- signed the parchment.

"Freddie- we're staying here for the holidays," George informed his twin once Fred sat down. Miley saw him enter the Great Hall with a blushing Angelina but ignored them.

"We still need the bicorn horn and the boomslang skin- which is in Snape's office," Miley said to them. Hermione finished chewing and said, "I'll steal it- you 5 are already-"

"Yeah, yeah, you told us already," Fred waved her off.

"Harry and Ron- you two will need to cause a diversion," she said turning to them.

They nodded but had nervous looks on their faces.


"Are they... going out or something?" Miley blurted out as she and Alicia walked to Herbology together. Angelina and Fred were walking together- not touching or holding hands though.

"I don't know- they've been talking a lot lately," Katie remarked, joining them.

Miley tried to act like she didn't care that Fred was talking to Angelina more than her but it was hard. She was closest to them- she liked George's company but something about Fred just made him closer to her.

She stopped thinking about it when she entered Greenhour 3 and joined Alicia, Katie, and Angelina at a table instead of with the twins.

Angelina gave her a questioning look.

"I like to switch things up," Miley lied.

She just didn't feel like talking to Fred at the moment.


They all agreed to meet back in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom after class so Miley hurried there without the twins. She could hear them calling her name but ignored them.

She had the feeling that she was just angry at the world for no reason but didn't want to take it out on them- or anyone else for that matter.

"Where are-"

"They're coming," Miley assured Ron.

"Did you get them?" she asked and Hermione nodded. They quickly got started finishing making the potion as the twins barged in.

"Oi- why didn't you wait for us! We were calling you!" Fred demanded angrily. Miley looked up from the book and glared at them.

"Oh, I didn't even know you remembered I exist because of all the time you spend with Angelina!" she blurted.

Everyone was silent- even Moaning Myrtle who was crying floated over to watch the scene quietly.

"I don't-" Fred started.

Miley James Potter & the Secret DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now