5| The grand entrance

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"Miles- wake up. We're at Hogwarts," Fred said gently nudging Miley awake. 

"Hey! We didn't get to do the prank on her," George scowled at Fred. 

"Good thing you didn't or you were going to be stuck on my bad side for the rest of the week," Miley said and stuck her tongue out at him. 

"D'you think they're at Hogwarts?" Ginny asked nervously about the boys. Miley could tell she wasn't just nervous about Ron and Harry's absence. 

"High chance," Miley said trying to assure her. 

Hagrid called the first years and the twins and MIley gave Ginny a grin as she nervously walked with the other nervous first years. 

They entered the Great Hall which was decorated marvelously and found their seats at their house table- Gryffindor. 

"2 Knuts she's in Slytherin- nasty temper she's got," Fred said to Miley and George. She instantly knew he was betting on what house Ginny would be sorted in. 

"Definitely not Hufflepuff," George agreed. 

"I think she'll be with us," Miley grinned. 

"Not likely," the twins chorused and she rolled her eyes. 

They watched Hagrid lead the first years to the front and Ginny gave Miley a shy smile. 

"Harry and Ron are still not here," MIley said glancing around as the Sorting Hat became alive and sang a new song. 

"I'm sure they're with mum and dad..." George muttered. 

They snapped their attention as a student joined their house and cheered for her. 

"Weasley, Ginny," Professor McGonagall barked. 

Ginny made her way to the hat- Miley noticed she wasn't as nervous as before. 

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted. 

Miley held her hand out and the twins sighed and each gave her 2 Knuts. 

Ginny sat down next to Miley who grinned at her. 

"How nice of you to finally join us," George said ruffling his sister's hair. 


"Harry!" Miley ran to her brother and hugged him. 

"Where were you and Ron?" she demanded instantly. 

Ron and Harry told Miley, the twins, and Hermione- who had joined them after the feast- to move over to the corner so no one could listen to their conversation. Ginny made a few new friends during the feast and was talking to them. 

"The flying car? Blimey- dad will go crazy," Fred said in awe. 

"Wish you asked us to come," George said but Ron scowled at him. 

"Just kidding- just kidding," 

Harry and Ron told them how the barrier closed in on them so they had to use the flying car to get to Hogwarts. 

"There's more," Ron said looking down. 

"We crashed into the moving tree and the car... escaped," Harry said and grimaced. 

"And you were caught by Professor Snape," Hermione said.

"How did you know?" the two of them asked.

"I saw him drag you away," she shrugged. 

"Even Dumbledore came," Ron moaned. 

The twins exchanged looks. 

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