9| The petrified cat

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Filch was fuming over his cat and kept pointing at Harry and Miley who were standing innocently as far away from them as possible. The twins, Ron, and Hermione were near them. Ron and Hermione looked nervous but the twins looked like nothing was wrong.

Miley could just hear Fred and George saying things like "She deserved what she got" or "She had it coming."

"My sweet," Filch said with tears pouring out of his eyes. Miley felt bad for him but didn't know how to start this awkward conversation.

Miley stared around the room- trying not to catch any of the Lockhart's eyes but it was hard.

Seriously- this guy is so self-absorbed if someone was dying in class he'd check on his portraits first. Miley thought bitterly.

Harry let out a weird sound- like it was a snort but a sneeze at the same time and Miley had the feeling that he got her accidental message.

Lockhart was muttering- in Miley's opinion- nonsense.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her... I bet it was..." he was muttering trying to be of use.

Dumbledore was examining Filch's cat and once he was done, he stood up straighter with Filch looking at him hopefully.

"She's been Petrified, I'm afraid," he said finally.

Lockhart stopped talking and his face flushed- he had been so sure the cat was dead.

Miley could tell Professor McGonagall was trying to hide a smile.

"But how? I'm afraid I don't know," Dumbledore added softly still looking at Filch's cat.

"Ask them!" Filch accused pointing at the 6 of them.

"No second- or fourth-year could have done this," Dumbledore explained shaking his head. Filch fumed at them.

"I know he did- he knows- he knows," Filch cried, "He knows I'm squib." He was pointing at Harry.

Miley and the twins exchanged looks- none of them knew Filch was one of those from Wizadring parents who couldn't perform any magic. Miley could hear Fred and George saying "No wonder he's so grumpy about magic all the time."

"I never touched Mrs. Norris," Harry replied loudly. The Professors looked at him. "And I don't even know what a Squib is ."

"Lies- he saw the Kwikspell letter," Filch snarled.

"If I might speak, Headmaster," said Snape from the shadows, Miley almost forgot he was here. She knew whatever he had to say, it was no good. He never liked Miley- and his hatred for her grew when he found out she was James Potter's daughter.

"The Potter's and their friends have been simply at the wrong place- at the wrong time," he said with a numb look. "But we do have a few... questions. What were they all doing there in the first place?" he asked.

Miley explained how she was following the twins because she wanted to go talk to them- she left out the fight & everything. The twins said they weren't hungry anymore.

"Then we saw Mrs. Norris..." she finished with a sad look.

The Golden Trio exchanged glances and Miley knew at once they were going to lie a little about where they were.

Hermione told them about Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday party.

"But why not come back to the feast?" Snape interrupted Ron.

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