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 "How can I fall in love with something so

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"How can I fall in love with something so... untouchable?"

His bright eyes lock with your own as he tilts his head, earrings dangling with a shine that not only represented his physical beauty, but his inward divinity as well.

"I'm just as real as you are. I'm breathing like you, aren't I? I am no better than you as a celestial creature. We are the same in our consciousness."


(Y/N) - Your Name
• (N/N) - Nickname
(H/C) - Hair Color
• (H/T) - Hair Type
• (S/C) - Skin Color
• (E/C) - Eye Color


• There is a playlist, not necessarily made for this book, but basically perfect to listen to whilst reading it. PLEASE play it while reading. I promise you won't regret it. It's called "stargazing" on my Spotify. I have a link to my Spotify on my Wattpad profile.

enjoy :)

(A/N) - welcome to "talking to the moon!" i've been wanting to write this one for a while but motivation has been hollow for me. i'm glad finally be publishing a few chapters for you all to enjoy! constructive criticism is always welcome in my books as i am always searching for any improvement to fit in.

this book is for anybody and everybody of all races, genders, sexualities, and ethnicities. the reader in this story will be using she/her pronouns, but you can view yourself in anyway you choose!

make sure to comment or vote to show your support~ :)

thank you for reading <3


Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now