Chapter 19

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Wyatt took another swig of his beer as he sat and stared aimlessly out at the large expanse of land that extended out into the horizon. It was strange to know that his family had owned this land for generations; cultivating cotton and tobacco over the acres and acres of land that had belonged to the Montgomery family for ages. There was something so charming about the land, though often he felt a deep seated sensation of dread when he thought of the dark history associated with Southern Plantations such as theirs; precisely why the Montgomery's insisted on calling it a 'farm' to feel less guilt of their ancestors' past atrocities.

"Babeeee!!" Wyatt heard a familiar shrill voice with that all too iconic southern drawl; glancing over to see Kayleigh sauntering up in a fashionable red sundress. Her blond ringlets seemed to bounce with every step as she shifted her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. "I missed you!" She said flirtatiously, climbing into Wyatt's lap and french kissing him as though nobody was watching; though perhaps it was because everyone was watching.

"Of course, baby." Wyatt drawled, smiling lovingly at his fiancée as he snaked his arm around her waist. "'Ya eat yet?" He asked sweetly, running his hands through Kayleigh's perfect blond hair, smiling as he saw the girl pout and shake her head adorably. "Well you're just in time for supper."

"Great! I'm starving. Did Mawmaw make pulled pork?"

"You know it." Wyatt smirked, knowing full well that his grandmother always made Sawyer and Wyatt's favorite barbecue pulled pork and southern style coleslaw whenever they were back home.

Wyatt and Kaylegh got up from the porch and walked down towards the patio area as they watched the rest of the family gathering and catching up. Wyatt glanced up to see Finn had changed into a nice button down and khaki shorts, typical summer evening barbecue attire, as he stood by the grill talking to Wyatt's dad and Grandpa.

"Sometimes I wonder if the family is blind..." Kayleigh teased, her soft loving gaze fixated on Wyatt as he stared longingly towards the dark haired boy in the distance. "I mean you could make it less obvious."

"God not you too, Sawyer already might be on to-" Wyatt muttered to her out of the corner of his mouth, cut off as Finn and the others turned to see Wyatt's graceful looking Grandma walking over.

"Kayleigh sweetheart! I didn't know you were here!" Wyatt's grandma drawled sweetly. "Don't y'all just make a gorgeous couple. Tell me, have y'all decided when the big day is gonna be?"

"Not for a while Mawmaw." Wyatt muttered to his grandma, flashing her a tightlipped smile as the older woman ruffled his hair lovingly. He hated that his grandparents still treated him like a little boy, but at the same time he wouldn't have traded it for the world.

"Can't wait too long, sweetie!" Wyatt's grandma drawled with a warm maternal smile. "I wanna be a great-grandma before I die."

"I'll convince him, Mawmaw." Kayleigh whispered teasingly, earning her another stern glare from her fiancé. The chit chat continued as one by one they made their rounds catching up with everyone.

"So how are things going with your Internship, Finny?" Asked Uncle Chris, Wyatt's dad, as he flipped burgers on the grill. Wyatt's family were always so warm with Finny, even after they found out he was gay; Wyatt loved to see that but he couldn't help but wonder if that same energy would hold when they found out he was gay.

"It's going well, it's a lot of work but I kinda love it." Finn replied with a genuine smile.

"I'm glad Finny's there to keep WyWy in check." Said Pawpaw with a smile, patting the raven haired boy on the back lovingly. "Wyatt's a good boy, but bless his heart he ain't got the sense in him to pour piss out a boot with the directions written on the heel."

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