Chapter 6

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"Oh he's good." Finn spat angrily, pacing up and down his living room as his roommates thumbed throw his copy of the Employment Contract he had signed only hours prior.

"Finn, What were you even thinking?!" Kenya scolded angrily as she and slipped the contract out of Kaitlyn's hand. "You know better than to sign a legally-binding contract without reading it."

"I don't know Ken, he's just so smooth... So slithery... Like a fucking snake." Finn pinched the bridge of his nose, grabbing the handle of Dragonfruit Bacardi and taking a hearty swig of it. "He asked if I was mature enough to trust him and I don't know what came over me; it's like he got in my head and I just signed it." Finn spat at them as he gulped down the liquor, meeting eyes with his judging roommates. "And don't look at me like that, y'all. I need this."

"It's a Monday." Sarah tried hard to hide the judgement in her voice as Finn glared daggers at the blond haired girl.

"It's the weekend somewhere, ain't it." Finn took another swig from the handle, grimacing as the corrosive liquid slid down his throat.

"I don't think that's how that works..." Drawled Kaitlyn, watching concernedly as the dark haired boy whined pathetically.

"Well Bacardi ain't gonna make this contract go away." Kenya countered as she glanced over, reading excerpts out aloud. "Not all of it is bad, you have to bring him coffee in the morning, you can't disclose your political leanings to anyone in the office; you're probably better off that way honestly... But... Wait what the fuck... 'By singing this contract, Mr. Finn Darragh Callaghan consents to be available in body and in time at the will and call of Congressman Wyatt Jefferson Montgomery at any given time or day barring national holidays and time off with prior notice'... The fuck does that mean?!"

"Fuck knows." Finn chuckled to himself, the liquor slowly crossing his blood-brain barrier as his fair cheeks began to fluster.

"The whole 'consents to be available in body' part doesn't sit right with me." Added Kaitlyn, earning her a scoff from Finn.

"None of this sits right with me, honestly." Kenya added matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, it kind of sounds like he's forcing you into sex slavery." Sarah grimaced as she glanced at a the usually neurotic Finn who was enjoying his alcohol induced zen phase.

"Y'all need to relax! It just means I'll be available to be his little bitch at any hour of the day." Finn brushed off her concern. "Believe me, the last thing Mr. CisHet himself would want of me, of all people is sex. Besides, Kayleigh is only a few hours away at UVA at Nursing School, if he needs sex it's only like a couple hours away."

"I thought you said they're the 'waiting for marriage' types." Sarah blinked confusedly as Kenya and Finn both burst out laughing. Kenya and Finn were both from the same conservative, predominately Southern Baptist suburb of Atlanta; which meant they were constantly in sync. Sarah and Kaitlyn, on the other hand, were from Idaho and New Jersey. They didn't have a damn clue about life in the South; they thought Iced tea and sweet tea were the same and didn't seem to understand that 'bless your heart' in the South meant anything and everything ranging from 'bless your heart' to 'I sincerely hope you rot in hell'."

"Oh honey, bless your heart." Finn drawled teasingly. "There are many different kinds of people who are 'waiting until marriage'. Lets just say in the case of Wyatt Montgomery, I don't think he's actually waiting until marriage."

"What do you mean...?" Sarah and Kayleigh asked simultaneously, confusion practically dripping from their face.

"They're lying." Finn rolled his eyes judgmentally. "Take it from someone who had grown up around people like that Wyatt and Kayleigh; they're putting out this perfect holier-than-thou images, but they're secretly fucking like rabbits."

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