P r o l o g u e

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What the hell happened? I don't remember a thing of what happened a few hours or minutes ago. I don't know. I have no idea how long I've been unconscious for. The last thing I remember is that white Jeep, with a person with a hoodie that was way too big for the person, grabbing me from off of the sidewalk on my way home.

I open my eyes, I think and I'm still in darkness. I must be blindfolded, sighing in frustration I attempt to move my legs but I don't feel a thing. Oh god, I start to panic increasing my breathing and heart rate as I can't feel my legs, then a tingly sensation feels in the both of them. I sigh in relieve knowing that my legs were just numb, probably from the position I'm still currently lying in.

Where the fuck am I? This time I attempt moving my arms but they're bound behind my back, and tied in a really tight and agitating knot. It keeps digging into my wrists every time I move an inch. Groaning in annoyance, I give up.

I would try to call out but my mouth is taped shut. I've tried to push it off with my tongue and all it does is pull at my skin painfully and it doesn't budge. It seems like they've put super glue onto the tape to make sure I cannot remove it from my mouth, I hope that's not the case otherwise that'll hurt like a bitch.

Even though I can't move, I needed to at least sit up into a more sort of comfortable position and off of the probably cold and dirty floor. With all my strength I shift my legs to my right, in an attempt to get them in front of me. It actually hurts so badly to move my left leg, every time I move it slightly or put a substantial amount of weight on it, pain sores through my leg. I cry a muffled cry out in pain. Fuck this is really painful.

But I have to pursue to otherwise I'll just put myself into an even more uncomfortable position.

I take a few breaths before moving again, holding my breath through the pain as I move it. Finally, I let out a sort of deep breath through my nostrils. I'm now sitting up leaning against the wall for support.

I try again to free my hands from this really good tied knot but the ropes are not having any of it, if anything it's getting tighter if that's possible. I groan as I feel the rope tear through my skin. Why is this happening to me? Why?

'Ah, you're awake.' A male voice sounds in one of the corners. I turn my head side to side to try and calculate where I had heard the voice come from but he doesn't speak again.

The only thing that is heard is small, quite loud footsteps walking around the room. They echo loudly around the room so I can't tell whether he's close or far away from me. Each steps that sounds makes my heart jump. I have no idea who this person is and what they want. Because I'm just me, Harry Styles. I think I'm a great guy, kind, thoughtful, I wouldn't hurt a thing and all I do is go to Sixth Form, spend time with friends, family and my girlfriend that's it so whoever this person is they shouldn't really have anything against me.

'I've waited a long time for this.' He mumbles more so to himself letting the 'o' in long drag out but I heard it, clearly having the words repeat in the back of my mind I've waited a long time for this. What does that even mean?

The sound of the footsteps stops right beside me, my breathing hitches at the close presence of the insane person who took me for no apparent reason. Even though I can't see nothing but darkness, I feel his hand inch closer to my face. I move my head to the slide slightly.

He chuckles deeply 'don't worry, I'm not going to do anything with you just yet.' His fingertips brush against my cheek, I flinch moving away as far as I can. Not too far as I don't want to fall onto my side again and be even more uncomfortable again.

I still feel his fingertips on my cheek as he slowly caresses it, in a slow and soft motion making me even more petrified as I have no idea what he wants to do with me as he said himself I'm not going to do anything with you yet. What does he mean by that? There's only three solutions I can come up with.

One: Him untying me and letting me go. Which I highly doubt.

Two: He'll beat the living day lights out of me, till I either pass out or die from bleeding to death or the too intense pain.

Or Three: He'll have his way with me which I hope he don't as I'm not gay or bi-sexual. If he does I hope he'll kill me after it, I'll be begging for him too.

His hands slowly drifts away from my cheek up to where the blindfold is, moving his hand to the back of my head, grabbing a fistful of my hair yanking hard as he pulls it back, I groan out in pain. With his other hand he pulls the blindfold down my face, leaving it hanging around my neck.

My vision is all blurred from being in the dark for however long and then having a blinding light above us immediately in sight. I repeatedly blink to reduce the blurriness and help my vision be clearer.

I blink a few more times noticing I'm in some form of basement or an extension to a house but I'm not too sure, either way I was taken and tied down here for what I believe is for no apparent reason but he must have a good reason.

The guy beside me brings his hand from my neck to under my chin, lifting it and tilting it back making me look up at him. To make sure I don't force my head back down, away from his gaze. He pulls harder on my hair. I screw my eyes shut as where he's pulling, it's now throbbing from the pain of the constant pulling.

'Open your eyes and look at me.' He says sternly, his voice changing slightly to a more of a higher pitched. It's strange really, well this whole situation is strange.

I do as he said, slowly opening my eyes to be met with a pair of icy-blue ones staring back at me. He smirks down at me and let's go of my hair, flinging my head to the side as he stands up straighter and walks away from me. I sigh in relieve.

He chuckles stopping to turn around the spot with a sickening smirk. 'I don't see why you're so relieved for. We're going to have bundles of fun soon.' He chuckles lowly, shaking his head as he walks over to the corner, which has a bed. Oh god, the third option seems more feasible, he's going to have his way with me.

He sits down pulling his phone out of his pocket, this gives me a chance to see if I recognise who he is. He has light brown hair, styled with the fridge pushed to the side. His hair matching his piercing blue eyes to go along with the type of innocent look, which he is not innocent at all.

He has a bit of stubble on his chin and jaw line like he hasn't shaved in a few days. Does that mean I've been here for days? I hope not, my family and friends would be worried sick about me, wondering where I am.

I keep staring at him wondering whether I know him and he doesn't seem familiar with me. I suppose he could be a family member I may have met once or twice on family occasions. Or even someone I've bumped into at Sixth Form or served at the bakery but no. He doesn't look familiar at all. He slowly lifts his head slightly still looking at the screen then at me for like 3 seconds then back to his screen with a pleased smile on his face.

He doesn't say anything, all he does is finish doing whatever he was doing on his phone before putting it back into his pocket and making his way over to me. I try to back up as much as I can making him chuckle knowing that he does in fact nerve and scare me. He stops beside my legs, crouching down, placing his hand on the top of my leg pretty close to my area. He smiles removing his hand from my thigh and starts to crawl forward till he's rather close to my face.

I flinch as he brings his hand up towards my face brushing a few strands of hair from out of my eyes. 'I'd stop being scared around me Harry, because it really turns me on seeing you all so vulnerable and scared of me.' He says.

How does he even know my name? Because I certainly do not know him or recognise him yet alone know his name. He must be able to read me like a book, he studies my face mostly focusing on the tape, which my lips are covered by.

He leans fairly close to my face but not touching it, I feel his warm breath on my ear making me cringe. 'By the way I'm Lucas and you're now mine.' He whispers before shoving a white cloth that came out of nowhere onto my face, covering my nose making me inhale the chloroform on it. Slowly my eyes start to feel heavy, the room starts to spin as my vision slowly becomes blurred then dark.

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