Chapter 10

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“Tonight’s guests, The Script!” Graham called, they all came out and shook his hand before sitting down. “A fan favourite, Amy Thomson.” I laughed and pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek before sitting down. “Our final guest for the night, James McAvoy!” We all shook his hand, I am a little bit in love with him. “So, let’s start with the exciting news.” He looked at me and Dan.

“Well, I proposed to this beautiful young lady. And she said yes.” Dan laughed, kissing my cheek. I was wearing a nice little black dress, it went with Dan’s suit. He really loves the couple look. God knows why.

“We need more than that. Amy, details right now.” Graham demanded, so I explained what happened again. The crowd loved it. “That is amazing. What a night.”

“Tell me about it, I won’t ever forget it. I’m so glad you didn’t let me drink.” I smiled.

“So am I.”

“How did you pick the ring, it sure is a stunner.” Graham asked, looking down at the ring. It sure was.

“I took the boys with me, not that they helped out that much. Just reminded me what I shouldn’t buy. I wanted it to suit her, elegant and sexy, but not flashy and in your face.”

“Will you stop already?” I slapped him playfully. “You don’t have to be such a kiss ass.”

“You’re putting me to shame mate.” James chuckled from the other end of the sofa.

“Oh James, we all know you aren’t trustworthy. Crying in an audition sound familiar.” Graham pointed out.

“Nah, I’d trust him.” I shrugged, they all raised an eyebrow. “Scots stay together.” I giggled. “That and anyone who plays a dude with mind powers is someone you can trust.” I shrugged.

“Yeah, but she makes bad decisions.” Danny decided.

“Yeah, like you.” I high fived Mark for that one.

“Now, I haven’t seen you two together and the last time you were on a UK chat show was with Alan Carr. Why did you choose to do that?”

“Danny and Amy were having a rough time in the papers, getting hate and reporters making shit up to get a story.” Mark informed them. “We thought if we went out and let people see just how in love those two were it might help. And it did, it’s a lot better now and the fans adore her.”

“That interview was very… raw.” Graham commented.

“We wanted them to see the real us.” I explained. “No point pretending to be someone we’re not.”

“You two were definitely yourselves.” Glen shook his head fondly.

“I think I missed this, what happened?” James asked.

The Power Of Love - A Danny O'Donoghue/The Script FanFic (Fix You Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now