Chapter 16

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“Don’t you do that to me Mister. You hear me. Never again.” She scolded.

“Ma, it’s not like I planned it.” Dan rolled his eyes.

“You zip it Daniel.” She turned her attention to me. “Finally let you in darling? I am so sorry.” She pulled me into a hug.

“Only because I had broken down on the floor and Glen carried me up here, they weren’t too happy with the situation.”

“Damn right. You are his fiancée and everyone knows it, not hard to find out. You should have been allowed in immediately and informed on his condition.”

“Wait, what?” Dan looked very confused. I briefly explained the story, he looked about ready to kill someone. “Another reason to get married.” He said eventually.

“Oh, Ailish, we are planning on getting married sooner than we thought. Two months actually.” She seemed a little shocked but smiled anyway.

“Sounds brilliant dear, and where will it be?”

“Where you and Pa got married.” Dan told her quietly, she looked very touched.

“Your Pa would have loved that Daniel.” There was a silence in the room, I know those two were thinking of Shay. I’d heard a lot about him over these two years, and can only assume the man was brilliant. I don’t think I’ve heard a bad story yet. “What about a honeymoon?”

“I was thinking Hawaii, but I know Amy loves America.” Dan shrugged.

“Hawaii sounds great!” I exclaimed, he looked surprised at my enthusiasm. “We get to see America a lot anyway, but Hawaii is different.”

“Very true. But we can look into it, Italy might be nice and romantic.” He suggested.

“I don’t know. If I have you that’s great, if there is some sun that would be even better. But let’s face it Dan, I don’t have a burning desire to go anywhere. I’d be happy staying in Ireland and not leaving your flat for a week.”

“A week? Baby, we are having a month at least.” He laughed, his eyes had that happy twinkle.

“Danno you do realise you have a job.” I reminded him.

“The fans can wait, I will only get married once and from what Mark says I need to treasure the period of marital bliss before we both wise up.”

“Oh Danny dearest, we’ve been married for two years. I don’t need to wise up to anything.” I joked, but honestly, it feels like that sometimes. Like we’ve been together for so long, and been through so much, it feels like marriage, all that is changing is my last name. We aren’t moving house or moving in together or anything, we’ve done all that. We wear some rings and I change my name.

“You got that right.” He agreed.

“When will I start seeing little grandchildren?” Ailish asked, making Danny groan.

“Really Ma!” He complained, I could see he was getting a little tired now, he was still on quite a bit of medicine. I’m surprised he’s still up.

“I think you need some sleep baby.” I smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Catch ya later alligator.”

“In a while crocodile.”

“Just gunna grab some food, I’ll try to be back before you wake up.” I promised.

“Don’t worry about it babe.” He yawned.

“I’ll come with you Amy, Daniel needs to heal up for the wedding.” She jumped up and followed me from the room. “Thank you.”

“What for?”

“Looking after my boy, you do such a good job of it. I don’t know where he would be without you. Irma was awful, just, not the right girl for my Daniel. But you, you really are, you two are so alike, you balance each other out. I don’t think I’ve seen a couple more perfect for each other than you two, or more in love.” She smiled sweetly at me.

“Ailish, I really do love him. You know that. He’s the one who saved me, you’ve heard it all before. But, he really did. We were meant for each other, that isn’t some pretentious soul mate crap, I mean, he saved me and I saved him. And somewhere along the way we fell in love.”

“I know. And that’s what makes it even more beautiful. A modern day love story.” I tried not to laugh, she was being totally serious. “It can’t be easy. The boy never sits still.”

“He does sometimes. Just got to know what does it.” I shrugged. “Put a decent film on and he can be relatively still.”

“I know.” She gave me a strange smile, I’d gotten used to it really. The O’Donoghues have been very accepting over the years, that little bump in the road when we first met is definitely over, but that doesn’t mean I’m not being judged. I feel like the whole thing is a constant trial and they are seeing how I react to it all. Dan didn’t disagree when we talked about it, which I’m assuming means that it’s very likely. “You will be a brilliant O’Donoghue, I will be proud to call you my daughter.” She told me, completely honest. I would be lying if I said I didn’t get emotional, a tear or two may have escaped. She held me close to her, she honestly has been like a mother to me over these two years and to hear her say that, well, it helps me deal with the fact my own mother isn’t here.

“Thank you. So much.” She just nodded at me.

“How about a nice lunch? Daniel will be asleep for a while, and we need to keep you healthy for the wedding.” I wasn’t really given a choice, she had dragged me over to the cafeteria anyway. “I’m sure Andrea would love to go dress shopping with you at some point, you need to make sure you choose a good dress. Daniel will have to dress up too, none of this smart casual nonsense. A tuxedo.” She began talking about all the stuff we would need, how they could help and telling me little storied about her and Shay. I wish I had seen those two together, they sounded perfect for each other, I know Dan misses Shay still. A lot. But he seems to have got over the worst of it. He rarely gets angry like he used to, which is brilliant and we’ve both managed to deal with a lot by working through it all together.

A/N - Sorry aboutnot updating yesterday, wasn't feeling that great and was struggling to get this chapter together :) Hopefully it is worth it, please vote and comment XD

The Power Of Love - A Danny O'Donoghue/The Script FanFic (Fix You Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now