Chapter 12

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“It was our two year anniversary, two days before me and the boys had gone out to find the perfect ring. I got my Ma to distract Amy with shopping. Anyway, so that happened, I didn’t want her to figure it all out so I didn’t have much planned. We ended up heading to Dublin zoo and had a grand time.” I smiled at him, he’s so adorable. All cute and fluffy, and incredibly sexy. His accent is just gorgeous, I am a lucky woman that is for sure. “We got home and were dancing round the house, as you do and lost track of time. It was a rush to get to the place, Panino’s. A lovely little Italian just off Grafton Street. They set the table up all romantic, with a rose for the beautiful lady and a candle in the middle. A bottle of expensive wine that we pushed to the side. The meal was just perfect, but I had been nervous all day, sometimes I just go on and on when I get like that. And Amy could tell. She can always tell.” He gave me a killer smile before continuing with his story. “Anyway, Amy thought the day was over, but not for me. It was dark out and raining, but it was perfect, obviously Amy complained. But walked with me anyway, it only took a minute or two to reach Grafton Street and I was humming Before The Worst, I had scouted the place a few times and stopped in the perfect location. St Anne’s at the end of the street, the lights from the shops illuminating the street, but not too much. The stars were out overhead. And I told her just how amazing she is, how much she has changed my life, and I adapted the song to make it romantic. Then I got down on one knee and asked if she would continue to make me the happiest man on the planet.” They all ahhed. “And she obviously said yes. We actually almost forgot about the ring in all the crazy happiness that followed.” He added with a chuckle.

“Can we see it?” Gran asked excitedly, I held my hand out, letting them all stare at it. I’ll admit, it’s gorgeous. There have been more than a few times when I find myself staring at it, it really is beautiful.

“How much was it?” Dave questioned.

“I’m afraid I will never tell. I wanted something that fit her and I would have paid anything for it. It had to be beautiful and elegant, a classiness that doesn’t go out of style, a sense of humour would have been great, but you don’t get rings with that I’m afraid.” Dan chuckled.

“You know it is perfect.” I assured him, giving him a kiss.

“It is very pretty.” Julie sighed.

“Anyway, now that we are engaged, I think it’s important Dan feels welcomed. He is part of my family and will be part of yours, and I just hope you can look past whatever reason you hate him and get over it.” They seemed to consider it.

“Nothing you guys say will split us apart, if anything it just pushes Amy away from you.” Dan pointed out.

“I’m sorry Danny, we did get off on the wrong foot. All is forgiven and forgotten.” They decided eventually, I pulled Dan in for a hug. A celebratory kiss thrown in there as well.

“How long will you two be staying?”

“Not that long, we have some other thins to get done, but definitely for a couple of days.” Dan answered.

“And the wedding, when will that be?” That question rocked the boat, we haven’t even thought of that yet.

“We haven’t really thought about it.” I looked over at Dan.

“I already know what you want.” He chuckled, I raised an eyebrow, a silent challenge. “You’d love to get married in America, a beautiful little place, you know mountainy and hot, just a gorgeous venue. At the same time, you’d love somewhere with character and meaning.” I looked a little shocked.

“Damn. Okay, what is it you want?”


“I’m gunna say, a little Irish church, most likely the one where your parents got married. In the summer, not that that makes much of a difference in Ireland.”

“See, you did know.” He pulled me into a hug, holding me close to his body.

“How will we decide then?”

“I don’t care. As long as we say the vows and you’re mine forever, we could get married in an alley for all I care.” He meant it as a joke, but I could tell he was being serious, or there was some sincerity in that at least. “An American wedding sure would be fun.” He added, I gave him a massive smile.

“We can talk to the guys, the agents, look into it. But, that doesn’t mean we won’t look into the Irish wedding Dan. I promise.”

“I know.” I sighed and snuggled into his side, he wrapped his arms around me. I felt good. Really good. Seems like everything is falling into place.

“Your mum and dad would be so happy.” Gran told me.

“Thank you.” I smiled and meant it, it means so much when people say it. People who knew them.

“We’ll go get in a Chinese.” Dave offered, already heading to the door. “Could you write down what you want?”

“Me and Dan will both have Sweet and Sour Chicken and we’ll share a portion of rice.” I informed him. Dan just stayed silent, he knows I am more than capable of ordering for him, that and he really will eat anything.

“Alright, nice and easy.” Dave chuckled before heading out with Charlie and Chloe to help him. Leaving Ju, Gran, Grumpa and obviously me and Dan.

“Do you mind if I go make some tea?” I asked.

“That’s fine love.” Ju smiled.

“Anyone else want anything?” Dan opened his mouth. “Not you idiot, I know you want some.” He shut his mouth and stayed quiet, a little pout.

“We’ll both have a coffee darling.” Grampa responded, I nodded and headed out the room, he reached out and tickled me as I went past.

“Don’t start that.” I warned with a smile.

“Oh bring it on.” He smirked. I just glared at him and started to make the tea and coffee. When I walked in Dan was talking animatedly to them, I handed out all the drinks.

“I didn’t know you drank tea.” Gran commented, staring at my cup of tea like it had just killed a man.

“I didn’t, the Irish idiot passed it on. It is near impossible not to drink it, those three live on it. Seriously.” I laughed. We continued to talk and all get along, I am honestly so relieved that we are all over that stuff. I’m still not keen on staying to long, but I know this stay will be a little more bearable.

A/N - Pinkie promise things are about to get interesting! Please vote and comment, thanks for reading :)

The Power Of Love - A Danny O'Donoghue/The Script FanFic (Fix You Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now