Chapter 11

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“Oh shit. My head.” Dan groaned, I tried not to laugh.

“Want some medicine?” I offered, he just groaned again. So I decided to do it anyway, coming back with tablets and water for him. “Here ya go.” He took them quickly gulping the water down.

“Thanks babe.” He dropped back down, already almost asleep.

“Welcome.” I kissed his forehead.

“How bad was it?” He asked sleepily.

“Not too bad this time.” I giggled. “I’ll fill you in when you’ve had some rest babe.”

“Such a tease.” He yawned.

“Only with you.” He smiled a little, his breathing evening out. He’s pretty cute when he’s asleep. I went out to the living room, switching the TV on. Not a lot is on, so I grabbed my phone and went on twitter for a while.

‘Never doing that again. @AmyTigershark G ;)x’ Yeah. Me and Glen were left to keep an eye on the drunk idiots, not easy to control. We had some difficulty, trying to stop them fighting each other, to keep Dan off the table, to make sure they didn’t chuck up all over the floor.

‘I would agree, but we both know it will! @thescript’ As always there were lots of mentions and pictures and tweets to look at, I really enjoy messing around on twitter. Always have, I even try to respond to people as much as possible, they usually want to know something about Dan which I usually don’t share. Especially if it’s a little creepy, I won’t lie, some fans are crazy obsessed. I heard more groaning and then Dan dropped himself on top of me.

“Morning.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek.

“You weigh a ton.” I complained.

“Shut up. My head still hurts.”

“Says the one who threw himself on me.” I rolled my eyes.

“I am never drinking again.” He promised.

“You say that every single time you idiot.” I pointed out. “We need to pack our stuff, we are heading to see the other half of my family.” I sighed, Dan did the same.

“Like today?”

“In like an hour. Paul is picking us up.” I gave him a weak smile.

“At least we have Paul.”

“Exactly. Grab something to eat, I’ll start to pack.” I jumped up and headed into the bedroom, luckily (or not, depending how you look at it) me and Dan are pretty messy people. Our suitcases always look a little like a bomb’s hit them, not that either of us care that much. We usually know more or less where things are, and living out of a suitcase most the time means we’re pretty used to it right now and nothing has a proper place to be.

The Power Of Love - A Danny O'Donoghue/The Script FanFic (Fix You Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now