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"I swear sometimes I just wanna leave him" Michelle said under her breath walking  behind me rubbing her arms.

I decided not to say anything, although I love her I don't know if she loves me. Rejection is something I'm not ready for and I don't want to come off too strong.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked her while we sat in my car.

"Yeah I'm fine, his bullshit is the least if my worries" She chuckled

Again, another reason I loved her she never worried for too long. If there was a problem shed address it and move on and keep her head up.

"How are things with you and Natalie?" she asked me as we drove off.

Natalie. She was my girlfriend before I met Michelle, I knew her since I was a child and had loved her since I was 15 but I guess things change. I up and left her a few days after I had met Michelle, she was heartbroken.

"Oh we still talk and all but she hasn't spoke to me in a while" I said turning to corner on Michelle's street.

" Awh I'm sorry about that. You guys we're good with each other, but maybe it was for a reason" she said reaching over and giving me a hug.

"I gotta go but I'll see you alright?" she smiled as I nodded.

She always made me smile, even when I was talking about Natalie, that's a really sensitive subject for me. I might've lied about us being 'ok' we haven't spoken or anything.

I sighed getting home, I threw my keys in my clothes hamper and went to sleep.

HI I'm Mya I'm sorry if it started off slow but it'll get better srsly lol

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