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"Well tell those whores that he has a girlfriend who's baby crazy and not afraid to fight a highschooler bitch." Alyssa insisted crossing her arms. Emily laughed.

"I'm gonna be an auntie!?" Abby gasped.

"Surprise." I said awkwardly.

"Congratulations! I'm sorry that you have to have it with my brother though!" She kinda congratulated.

I just rolled my eyes at the last part.

"Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Yes. We won't be talking about what you want tomorrow. Because ever since last year, every second day of the school year all social studies teachers have to talk about safe sex. And since Mythology is under the social studies course, you'll have to talk about it too."

"What the hell? Why do I need to do that? You're not stupid." I hissed.

"I don't know. But yeah, you gotta do that tomorrow."

After talking for a little bit she left. I got on my laptop and checked my email. And it was right there. The email about safe sex and what I gotta talk about tomorrow.

"It says that I need to show them what a condom is. I don't own condoms."

"Damn, maybe you should've been taught about safe sex in school." Emily joked. I just ignored her.

"You know that Abby is actually gonna start telling girls that now, right?" I told Alyssa.

"I hope she does." Alyssa declared.

"Holy shit. Those girls are gonna love tomorrow. The hottest teacher talking about sex? That'd be absolutely amazing for them." Emily pointed out.

"Yeah, just fucking peachy." I rolled my eyes.

Eventually after a few hours of phone calls from my mama and other family members obsessing over the baby news and me, Alyssa, and Emily all hanging out, it was starting to get late.

Alyssa decided to stay the night. We went to sleep cuddling together in my bed.

I woke up the next morning and did my normal morning routine. But much quieter since I didn't want to wake Alyssa up.

"Had to go. Love you, have a good day.♡" I left a note on the nightstand before leaving.

I walked into my classroom and sat at my desk and went over again what I had to talk about.

When all the students got into the classroom after the bell rang I took attendance and collected papers. I could tell what Abby meant by most of the girls loving me, and most if the boys hating me.

"Anyway, so scratch the idea that we're talking about Mythology. Cause I was just informed yesterday that I'll actually be talking about safe sex." I began. "But you guys ain't stupid. You know how to use a condom. You know how to take birth control. And if you don't have those options, you know the pull out method."

I got a few laughs out of them which I intended to do.

"But still. The pull out method doesn't always work. Cause sometimes you'll forget. So wear a condom at least. I know it's not pleasurable for either of you. But it's better safe than sorry. Especially when you're a teenager." I looked at the time. "Well we still have quite a bit of time... Does anyone have any questions, or can we move on?"

Nobody raised their hand so I moved on. I talked to them about the gods and goddesses of creation. We were done by the last 10 minutes.

"Is there any questions?" I asked. Hannah raises her hand. "Hannah."

"Can I stay after school? I took some notes and I want to make sure if I took the right notes on the right subject."

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