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"C'mon. Let's get you home." I said.

The 3 of us walked back to my car. She sat in the back seat looking down.

"When we get there I can explain to your parents what happened." I implied.

"Thank you so much Mr. Rose." She thanked.

We got there and Lilly and I got out. We knocked on the door and her mom answered.

"Mr. Rose?" She gasped. "What are you doing here with my daughter? And why does she look like she's been crying?"

"Ma'am, my boyfriend and I were hanging out in the forest playing guitar when Lilly sprinted to us. She was apparently being chased by a man. I didn't want her walking alone again, so I drove her back here." I explained quickly. She hugged me.

"Oh my god. I can't put into words how grateful I am for you doing that." She told me.

"Well it's my job to keep students safe, even outside of school. And she was obviously in danger."

"Thank you Mr. Rose." Lilly thanked again.

"You're welcome. But if I was you, I'd probably stay out of the forest for awhile. Especially alone." I responded. "Anyway, have a good weekend. See you Monday." I then went back to the car and drove off.

"That was really nice of you Mr. Rose." Jacob said.

"God no. Please don't call me that." I sighed.

"And why not, Mr. Rose?"

"I'm serious Jacob. I don't like being called that."

"Well even though that happened, I still had a really good time. I missed doing that."

"I missed it too."

We were both smiling. I rested my hand on his thigh. My phone then went off.

"Who's that?" I asked. He looked at my phone.

"Who the hell is Alyssa?" He hissed. I grabbed my phone from him and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I need you to come over now. I had a miscarriage." My heart sank.

"I'll be right over." I hung up. "I'm gonna drop you off at your house, alright?"

"No. Who's Alyssa? And why are you going over there?"

"I don't want to argue with you right now Jacob."

"Well I don't want you going over to some girl's house alone!"

"I'm a grown man, and I can do whatever the hell I want!"

I stopped in front of his house. And he got out. Slamming the car door. I wanted to yell something. But I had to get to Alyssa's. I drove over there and she let me in.

"What happened!?" I questioned.

"I don't know, I just started bleeding. And so I went to the doctor. And he said it was a miscarriage. I just got back from the doctor."

"Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening. I-I have no words."

"Maybe it happened for a reason though."

My fists clenched and is stomped out. Before I said something I regretted.

"Where are you going?!" She followed me.

"Our unborn child just died! And all you can fucking say is 'maybe it happened for a reason'?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

I got in my car and drove away. All was holding onto the steering wheel tight. I know the first place I need to go. As much as I didn't want to.

I drove to my mama's house. By then I was calmed down a little. I knocked on the door. Abby answered.

"Is mama home?" I asked.

"Yeah. But she told me to tell you that she doesn't want to see you." Abby answer.

I walked in anyway shoving her out of the way. I saw mama in the kitchen. She glared at me.

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