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Eventually after that whole fiasco I went back to class and taught the rest of the day. At the end of the day I had to stay after school. Even though I really didn't want to now.

I was sitting at my desk on my laptop. Going over plans for tomorrow. Lilly then walked in.

"Mr. Rose." She said my name. I looked up.

"Hey Lilly. What do you need?" I greeted.

"Uh, I just wanted to tell you thank you for hanging up my drawing. I hope you like it." She thanked.

"Of course I do. I love Slipknot, and you have an amazing talent. It's far better than I could ever do."

"I also have a question."

"Alright then. That's what I'm here for. Hit me."

"What's some books that you'd recommend that's about Mythology?"

I was about to answer but then Mrs. Marriott; the music teacher came in.

"Do you still play piano anymore Christopher?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

I play keyboard now. Not so much piano because I'm broke. But it's pretty much the same thing.

"Because my 4th hour students didn't believe me today when I said that I taught Mr. Rose how to play piano. Don't even believe that you can play piano. And so tomorrow I need you to come in and play a song I showed you."

"Okay. I have 4th hour off, so sounds fun." I agreed.

"Thank you Chris. Apologies for bothering." She then left. I turned back to Lilly.

"Anyway, some books that I'd recommend is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif, The House of Hades, and The Titans Curse. I'm right in the middle of The Hammer of Thor. But thus far, it has been one hell of a book."

I answered her question. I wrote them all down on a sticky note and handed it to her.

"Do you read a lot too?"

"I honestly read too much. But I sadly haven't been able to read since school started."

"Me neither. Who's your favorite author? Mine is Edgar Allan Poe."

"Mine is definitely Robert E. Howard."

We ended up talking about books until it was time to go.

On the way home I remembered that I promised Jacob that I'd come over after school. I gasped and drove to his house. I knocked on the door and he opened up.

"Hey Jacob. I'm sorry I didn't come over when school got out. I forgot that I stay after on Tuesdays and Thursdays." I apologized immediately.

"It's fine Chris. Don't worry." He assured letting me in. "Holy shit. You're even more hot when dressed formally." He admitted.

"Well apparently the principal's daughter thinks that too."

"What do you mean?"

"I overheard a girl named Hannah tell her friends that she wouldn't mind if Mr. Rose choked her. And so I took her up to the principal's office. Where I learned that she's the principal's daughter." He looked me up and down and smiled.

"I mean... I wouldn't mind if you did so either." He admitted.

I pinned him against the wall. And began kissing him as I put my left hand around his neck. Our lips let go and only our foreheads were touching.

"The big door is still open Chris." He pointed out.

I kicked it shut and we continued. I picked him up and we went to the bedroom. And do I really need to say what we did next? Haha.

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