Chapter Six

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Chester kept his promise, we went out the day after that. And then the day after that and so forth until the day before I had to leave. When Chester rang and asked what I wanted to do today I simply answered with 'nothing'. Today I wanted to appreciate the moments with Chester I had left and not hide them away with sight-seeing or extravagant gestures. 

We did just that. Watching crappy daytime TV and ordering take aways we wasted away the hours in each company. Neither one of us mentioned the future or what was to come of this although I could tell that at certain moments both of us were thinking about it. I could see Chester's forehead crease and his expression lost- I leaned in closer to him and rested my head on his arm; he didn't acknowledge my movement. 

"I don't want you to go." He said solemny. He turned his head to face me and I gently kissed him. I wasn't sure how to respond, I didn't want to leave either but I knew it was inevitable.

"Neither do I. When do you get back to LA? I'll see you then." I raised the pitch of my voice at the end of that sentence in hope it would make me seem a little more cheerier but I was in fact just as frightened and glum as Chester.

"Four weeks. You'll really wait that long though? We've spent everyday together for the last nine days. You promise you'll wait for me?" His expression resembled a small child, one that had be promised something but couldn't have it till the end of the day. I wondered how Chester could even imagine me forgetting him, for that was one thing I would never going to do.

"Of course! I'm not going anywhere, and hey maybe I'll come visit." He smiled at that, kissing him I tried to forget the fact that Chester would be so far away. Again I wondered how after such a short period of time, a man could have such a lasting affect on me.

It was the day I had to leave and I woke up slowly, hoping to delay time. I clung to the bed sheets and prayed that it would swallow me up and that I'd never have to leave. I reminisced about everyday I had spent in New York: the way I met Chester and every second after that. Nostalgia took the better of me and I quietly cried into the sheets. When Chester came into the bedroom at the sound of my whimpers he didn't ask any questions, he just held me tight, kissed my hair and whispered soothing words.

My plane left in four hours and Chester insisted on driving me to the airport. I knew it would only make the goodbye harder but I wanted to spend every last second with him. Four weeks seemed like four years. I promised myself that I would come to visit- no matter what. I felt numb with guilt, for some reason I felt as if it was my fault for all of this; I should have never fallen in love with a guy I met ten days ago.

Chester sat with me, sipping coffee we observed the airpor- waiting for the annoucement that would tear us apart. Chester placed his hand on my knee as the sound of my flight resonated across the building. When I stood up he stood up, when I hugged him he hugged me and when I began to cry so did he. 

"Four weeks yeah?" He mumbled into my neck.

"I'll be waiting." He pulled away and cupped my face in his hands. I knew I had to tell him, that it was now or never. 

"I love you Chester." He smiled at that and kissed me softly. 

"I love you too Grace." The words pounded through my body, I felt my stomach flip and my heart beat a million times faster. I picked up my bags and slowly made my way to the departure. When I looked back Chester grinned at me. 

"I'll see you around Grace Helbig." 

See You Around~ Grester (completed)Where stories live. Discover now