Where I Wanna Be (Allen Iverson & Mona Lisa) part 1

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A/N: Allen was so fucking fine back in the 90s😍😍😍

A/N: Allen was so fucking fine back in the 90s😍😍😍

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'Kay back to the story lol✨✨✨✨


~•The Next Day•~

I had just walked into class and sat down in the back. This whole morning my mind was tormented with thoughts of me possibly being pregnant. I told myself that when I go home, I was going to buy a pregnancy test so I could really know for sure. As I was sitting at my desk pulling out my note book from my bag, I noticed someone walking towards me. I looked up to see it was my best friend Tia.

"Wassup Mona. You alright?" I looked down placing my note on my desk. "Yeah, I'm alright." She then sat down at the empty desk next to mine.

"I still can't believe Allen would do that to you. Especially with Nicole of all people. It just doesn't make sense." She said placing her bag on the ground.

Nicole was the school hoe. Allen found that out after she cheated on him with a teammate our junior year. After he dumped her, a couple of months later, we started kicking it. Going out on dates, falling asleep on the phone, met his family and everything. Everything between us got better and better as the days went by. It was like something you read in books or seen in movies. Or atleast it was for me; everyone I tried to build a relationship with weren't taking me serious. I just didn't think I'd be going through this again.

"It doesn't matter now. I'm done with him." I said as the teacher walked in and told everyone to take their seats.

20 minutes into the class lesson, the door burst open making everyone look up to see Allen standing there. He was already eyeing me down and was about to say something until the teacher interrupted him. "Mr. Iverson, why are you 20 minutes late to my class?" Allen looked over at the teacher took a deep breath then finally spoke. "My bad. Coach was talking to me about the game Friday."

"Make sure that doesn't happen again. Now please take your seat." Allen then looked away back over to me. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at my notebook.

Nothing he had to say could change my mind. I was completely heartbroken and the stress from a possible pregnant made me feel even worse. If I was pregnant, how could I possibly keep it after this?


School was now over and Tia and I were walking to my house. I had told her everything about the pregnancy test and she wanted to be with me when I took it. We had just came from the drug store when we heard tires screech to a halt making the both of us look towards the street. An all black 1995 BMW was now parked on the side of the street. I knew that car from anywhere. It was Allen. He came out the car yelling over to me.

"Mona, please let me explain!" He walked up to me making me push him away. "I don't wanna hear shit you have to say! Just leave me alone." I yelled as I tried to walk on with Tia.

"I didn't kiss her Mona! She kissed me!" He yelled as he jogged over to me placing his hand on my shoulder. "Get off of me Allen! We're done!" I turned around and kept walking.

"Yo it's like you don't even wanna listen to me! You should know I would never do you like that. Why would I wanna lose you?!" I could hear the sadness in his voice but I didn't care I just kept walking ignoring everything he was saying because it was all bullshit.

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and turned around. Allen was now in my face with tears in his eyes. "Allen wtf!" I heard Tia say behind me.

"Alright, fine! You don't wanna hear me out! You don't wanna hear what really happened. FINE! Ima leave you alone. If you wanna be done, let's be done." He then let me go and took one more look at me before wiping his face and walking back to his car, speeding off down the street.

I was left speechless. I've never seen him like this before. At this point I didn't know how to feel. What if he's telling the truth?


A/N: I didn't wanna make this too long so it's gonna be a part 2. To be continued..

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