Where I Wanna Be (Allen Iverson & Mona Lisa) Part 2 (Ending)

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A/N: It's really hard to find a lot of good quality photos of Mona. She was really unappreciated in the music industry.

 She was really unappreciated in the music industry

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Mona & Tia


~•Hours Later•~

"What does it say Tia?" I asked pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom doorway. I was too scared to look at it myself.

"Mona..it's positive." Tia answered as I stood silent for a minute. I was pregnant. "No I can't be." I walked over to Tia taking the pregnancy test out of her hands. As I looked at it and seen two lines instead of one I started to cry. Tia held me up as I fell to the floor.

"What am I gonna do? I can't have this baby." Me and Allen always talked about having a family when we got married after college but not this soon. And I still don't know if he's telling the truth or not about Nicole. Even if he was, it's not like he wants anything to do with me now.

"You gotta tell him Mona. You can't keep this from him. If you don't want the baby tell him and see what happens." Tia said. I knew I had to tell him but with everything that happened who knows if he'll even pick up the phone.

"Okay I'll call him." I got up and walked over to my house phone to call Allen.

As the phone ring, I was thinking about him ignoring my call like how I ignored him. He had every right to but this was important. "Hello?" I heard a women say on the other line. It was Allen's mother.

M: Hey Mrs. Iverson, this is Mona.

I: Oh, Hey Mona. How are you baby?

M: I'm good..um...is Allen home?

I: No, he went to the park to play ball with his friends. He didn't really say much when he came home. I hope it's nothing between you too.

M: Oh no we're fine. I just wanted to talk to him. Thank you.

I: No problem. Bye honey.

M: Bye-bye.

"He's at the park." I told Tia as she stood near me waiting for the call to end. "Okay, lets go." She said about to walk out the house.

"He's with his friends. I don't think we should go right now." I said pulling her back inside. "Mona, come on. Just pull him to the side and talk to him." I sighed really not wanting to go but I decided to listen to Tia and just go.


Tia and I were walking towards the basketball court when I saw Allen on the sidelines talking to, out of all people, Nicole. I stopped and grabbed Tia's arm to get her attention. "Look over there." She looked over in the same direction as well. "See I knew we shouldn't have came."

I started to walk away but Tia ran over to me. "Mona, wait. Look." She said making me turn around.

We were both now watching as Allen yelled at her. He started to get in her face making one of his friends run over and pull him back. Allen was trying to get out of his grip until he seen me and Tia near the playground. He stopped, making his friends and Nicole look over at us.

He looked pissed. He yanked his self away from his friend, grabbed his jacket and book bag and started walking away from the court. Me and Tia ran over to him at his car.

"Allen wait!" I yelled making him turn to look at me.

"What you want yo?" He responded with an attitude.

"I have to tell you something..." I said looking at the ground hesitant to go on.

"What Mona?!" He yelled making me look up at him.

"I'm pregnant." I finally spoke.

"You what?" He said looking caught off guard.

"I'm pregnant. B-but it's okay, I-I'm gonna get rid of it. You don't have to worry about anything. You can go to school and still play ball. I'm sor-" I said quickly scrambling over my words until Allen interrupted me.

"You not getting rid of our baby." He said.

I paused shocked. I couldn't believe I just heard him say that.

"But what about school? What about you going pro? What about our parents?" I ranted as I started freaking out.

That's when Allen places his stuff on his car and walked over to me. He wrapped my arms around him as he hugged me.

"Don't worry about none of that. I can handle all of that heat from both our parents, plus we can still go to college. I know my mama will understand and help us be able to still go to school by taking care of our baby for us. I'll try my best to get your mom on our side but fuck that you not getting rid of our baby because of me wanting to play ball. You are my world Mona. I love you so much and I want you to know that."

I felt tears going down my cheek as I hugged him tightly. All of my worries felt as if they had disappeared. Nicole wasn't even a problem anymore.

"I love you Mona." Allen said as we stood there hugging each other.

"I love you too." I said as I looked up at him.

He then gently kissed me on my lips. That's when I heard clapping coming from behind me making me turn around. I seen Tia smiling from ear to ear jumping up and down excitedly.

"YAY!!!" She yelled making me and Allen laugh.

I then looked over at the basketball court to see Nicole mean mugging the both of us as she walked away with her friends. Well I guess he was telling the truth. Her plan failed because I'm right where I wanna be. With Allen.

✨The End✨

A/N: It was corny I know lol but it's out and that's all that matter. I should have been finished this story.

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