Killer Instinct (Eazy E & Halle Berry) Sneak Peak

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Compton, California  March 5th (1994)

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Compton, California
March 5th (1994)

"Halle what you doin' girl?! We gon' miss the bus!" My friend Monie yelled from outside my window.

I was looking for my purse and I had misplaced it somewhere.

"Girl I can't find my purse, hold on!" I yelled back scrambling around my room, until I finally found it.

"Yes!!" I squealed.

I then ran out my room and wrapped my purse around my shoulder. I opened the front door to see Monie standing outside waiting for me.

"Come on! Let's go!" She yelled as we both started running towards the bus stop. The bus was already there and thankfully we made it. We pay the bus fare and found our seats.

"See we almost missed the bus because of you." She said out of breath.

"My bad! I couldn't find my purse." I said still gasping for air.

"At least we still got time to make it to the hair store." She said as she looked out the window.

After a couple of minutes on the bus, we were three blocks away from the hair store. We wanted to get some braiding hair so Monie can get her hair braided by my mom.

"So what size you gonna do them?" I asked.

"I really want her to do those cute jumbo braids in my hair. Like the ones Niece had in her hair, you know? I also think I want beads at the ends too idk." She explained as we got closer and closer to our stop.

"Yeah that'll be re-"


I heard everyone on the bus scream as the bus swerved off the road hitting another parked car. I then seen about 5 men wearing all black run towards the bus opening the doors. One pointed a gun at the bus driver telling him to put his hands up. The 4 others pointed their guns at everyone telling them to put their hands up and to stay in their seats.

Oddly, one of the men caught my attention because once he looked over at me, it was like his world stopped. All he did was just stare at me. I couldn't see his face or any of the others faces because they had mask on. I was confused but he looked away and went back to yelling at everyone to give up their money and anything valuable. One of the men came over to Monie and me and put a gun to my head threatening me to give him money.

"Give me your fucking money!!" He yelled cocking the gun back.

"Please don't kill me. I'll give you anything you want!" I pleaded as I seen him place his finger on the trigger.

"Shit, anything?" He chuckled.

Suddenly, the guy who stared at me earlier stormed over to the guy with the gun pointed at my head and pushed him away from me.

"Leave them the fuck out of this!" He yelled at him.

"For what?! What the fuck is your problem?!" He yelled back.

He then pointed his gun at the guy, not saying one word. The guy with the gun stood there for a moment kinda shook about him pulling a gun out on him.

"Aight aight! I'll leave them alone." He said backing off. The guy then put his gun down. He then watched as the other guy quickly brushed pasted him to harass the other passengers.

That's when I looked at the guy, making him look over at me. He then looked away going back to the other passengers as well.

After they were done, they stormed off the bus and ran towards two parked cars in the alley across the street, driving off down the road. I looked over at Monie to see tears coming down her face, making me try my best to comfort her to calm her down.

"What the fuck just happened?!" She asked balling her eyes out.

"All that matters right now is that we are still alive." I said.

After a second of silence Monie then asked me a question.

"Halle?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Did you know one of those guys?" She questioned.

"No. I have no idea who those guys were." I answered.

"Well whoever that guy was who saved us, he had to have known you. No thug in all of California, let alone Compton, is just gonna spare two girl on a bus they tryna rob." She said.

At that moment, I couldn't think of who that guy could possibly be. A classmate from school? A guy from the neighborhood? I didn't know. But I then went back to what he said to the guy earlier. It sounded like a familiar voice but I was too scared to even notice until now. That's when I realized exactly who that person was.



Compton High School
Sophomore year
(October 8th, 1990)


A/N: I don't know why I add random dates to my stories. I just feel like it makes the story look better lol.

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