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{sorry but this story might be a bit confusing but the first chapter is just about my first year in Hogwarts the second is my second year and u get it but they going to go fast I had to write this so u can under stand who I get close with and who I become enemies so yeah just for u to know am not a really good writer so don't Jude me ok but hope u like it }

           I have been waiting for a whole year now finally am 11 years old . My letter should be arriving soon now . I have been asking the house elf about the mail for a whole week
now , but still nothing . But this morning it felt special I mean I know am going to get in tho am a pureblood and my family is one of the main wizard and witches known to the wizarding world .

I hear my house elf knocking on my door to go downstairs for breakfast. I got dressed cause we also been having a lot of visitors in the house lately , my mother always tells me to stay away from them or to stay in my room . As I walk in the dining room I see my mother and father waiting for me . My mother tells me 'hurry up and eat I got plans with u today " I asked her what are we doing she told me it was a surprise I hurried and ate my breakfast.

After I was done me and my mother floo network to a place. I have heard about it but haven't gone .it was Diagon Allay I told my mother what are we doing here I haven't gotten my letter yet as I said  that, she takes a letter out of her purse she says " this came in the mail today " I was so excited as I went into Diagon Allay . My mother told me to be careful and go get any pet owl . I wanted, I really thought that she would have choose it for me ,but she let me choose which one.I came back to her with a Eagle owl she said ,she is beautiful my darling good choice i said thank you mother and we went off to get my books as we were walking into a book store I bumped into a boy my age his hair blond like really blond . as I was about to say sorry he told me in harsh voice "watch ur self twa-", before he could finish his sentence his mother cut him off .

Telling me sorry and wow you have grown so much and look just like your mother I said thank you .And looked at my mother with a face like who is this I mean I have never even seen her before ,but she just started talking with the lady. But in the corner of my eye I saw the blond boy looking at me with a discussed face I made him the same face back as I did that. he looked away from me. Finally my mother stop talking with the lady and said it was nice to see u again Mrs,Malfoy .Like wise Mrs,Sykel as we walked away I asked my mother who was that but she didn't answer .

As we walked a bit more my mother walked into Ollivander wands.as I followed her . He knew right away who she was and ,said hello Mrs,Sykel, my mother just nodded and told him to look for a wand for me. Once I got my wand I went straight home once I got home I started packing everything into my trunk .

The next morning My mother knocks on my door ready dear we have to go I screamed am going mother give me five minutes I looked around to see if I missed anything but I was good to go . When me and my family got to King Cross Station. My father told me to run straight into the wall. I just looked at him all confused but he said trust me and I ran though the wall seeing the Hogwarts express my mother and father right behind me. As my father put my trunk into the train my mother was trying not to cry while hugging me and telling me she loved me and I will be good and to study hard my father just gave me a kiss on my head and told me to tell him what house I got in right after the sorting . as I gave him a hug he said I will miss u kiddo. I smiled and gave my parents a kiss on the cheek.

As I got in the train I was looking where to sit I saw this girl siting.By herself as I approached her I asked is this seat taken she told me no u can seat. As I seat down she took out her hand from her pockets . Saying "hi I'm Pansy Parkinson nice to meet you "nice too meet you I'm Hailey, Hailey Sykel as I shook her hand she gave a smile we talked the whole way to Hogwarts . when we finally got there we were all change and ready to get in a boat to go across the black lake to the castle I looked down to see the water

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