Its now July and summer is almost over and my mother or father have not told me a thing about lord Voldemort. today was the last time , I will let them get away with out telling me a thing I went to down to the dining room where they always are and asked when will I become a death eater or will I ever be one? my mother looked at me then at my father I expected my mother to speak but it was my father Soon my darling Soon but not right now the dark lord has a bunch of things he needs to do and he needs his followers help so, this Christmas you will be staying at the Malfoy's again. I understand father I will wait till the time is right, but why do I have to stay at the Malfoy's I mean they are great and lovely but .Why cant I stay home alone?

Honey its for your safety we do trust you home alone just not right now with everything going on and they are good friend of ours we trust them. my mother gave me a warm smile. I understand well I will miss you two for Christmas but you two better tell me everything you did for the dark lord when I see you guys again. we will Hailey my father said with a laugh.

summer was coming to a end and the ministry of magic was going crazy and saying a bunch of things about harry and Dumbledore saying they are lies that he who should not be name is not back. But a lot of wizards and witches believed this my father told me that they are scared so they are just saying these things to cover up the truth I agreed with him that they are just trying to cover up this lie but it isn't a lie he really is back. and I will be one of his followers one day.

school is now starting and I am all packed and ready to go . I got ready in a all black dress and my black coat I went alone this time to nine and three quarter. I had a man put my trunk into the train I got on the train and sat next to Blaise he was seating with pansy and Draco when I got there . We talked about are summer how it went pansy went on a trip with her parents and Blaise went to a quidditch match Draco stayed home and practice for quidditch I we stayed quiet mainly the whole way to Hogwarts. I wanted to talk about lord Voldemort but I felt like not bring it up.

when we finally got there I got down and went with Draco pansy and Blaise had to get somethings. we walked past harry and Hermione and Ron and of course Draco had to say something I'm surprised the ministry is still letting you walk around free potteh , you better enjoy it while you can I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it Draco got close to potter when he said this. harry came at Draco and I pulled my wand out and pointed it at harry before he can do anything to Draco I grabbed Draco's arm to pull him away.

we walked away and Draco still had to move his prefect little mouth about harry I wanted to punch him so bad why did he always have to start something. then harry yelled at us to stay away from him. we were now on the carriage to the castle.

we all got ready for dinner at the great hall I was hoping they have chocolate strawberries and pudding oh and pie. when we got there they had everything I wanted we all eat and talked till Dumbledore started his speech like always telling us about are new temporary professor. For magical creatures since Hagrid is on temporary leave .

Then he mention our new teacher for defense against the dark arts teacher professor Delores Umbridge he then asked us to be nice and to with her luck till she got up and interrupted Dumbledore saying thank you head mater for those kind words of welcome, and how lovely to see your all bright faces, happy faces I'm sure we're all going to be good friends. the ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance although watch headmaster has brought something new to this historic school... progress for the sake of progress just be discouraged let us preserve what can be perfected.

Everyone clapped and kept eating we all went to the common room Blaise asked what it meant what Umbridge said I looked at him and closed my book in a instant it means the ministry of magic is interfering at Hogwarts. Blaise looked shock but didn't ask anymore questions just sat in the common room in silence .

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