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It's my second year at Hogwarts. As I got one the train to Hogwarts I sat with pansy. It was nice to see her she talked and talked about her summer when she finally asked me how my summer was I couldn't really say so I just made up a lie. And told her me and my family went on a trip . when she was about to ask me a other question the old lady asked anything from the trolley dears. I quickly said yess can I have two chocolate frogs, and one bag of roasted chimera potato chips. Pansy got some dew dew pyschodrops and bubble brew as she was getting her stuff I was looking out the window trying not to make eye contact with her cause I knew she would keep asking questions about my summer but I couldn't speak of it. hours later we finally arrived at Hogwarts.

I tired to avoid every one from asking me how my summer went when we got to the great hall I stayed quiet the whole time not wanting to talk. after a couple of days at Hogwarts there was a lot of talk since what happened I stayed in the common room most the time but so far it was going good for me expect the mudbloods that were getting frozen. But my plan has going good the blood was perfect were it was on the wall and I chose a good and useless first year to do my work for me so no one can know it was me.

A month later me and Draco were walking to the common room when we bumped in to Crabbe and Goyle they were. About to get in to trouble with Percy for being in the halls late till we grabbed them and took them to the common room they were acting a bit weird but I ignored it since it was Crabbe and Goyal . Draco went and sat on the couch and I went to get a book from the table when Draco started talking about the Weasleys and Crabbe kinda got mad well from the looks of it but he said it was his stomach ache, Draco starts talking about Dumbledore when Goyal yelled your wrong .

Draco got a mad and looked at Goyal in the eyes WHATT you think there some one worse then Dumbledore Goyal and Crabbe stayed quiet till Goyal said umm harry potter? good one Goyal saint like Potteh and people really think he the air of Slytherin. said Draco I looked up from my book to see what else they were going to say then Goyal said well there has to be someone behind it I looked at them to see if they were looking at me but the only one looking me was crabbe I just laughed to brush my worried face away till Crabbe looked away from me then Draco spoke honestly guys I told u all about it yesterday how many times do I have to tell you all Draco said in a sharp tone Crabbe said sorry Draco we forgot Draco rolled his eyes.

Fine but I will only say it this last Time but my father did tell me this its been fifty years since the chamber of secrets opened he didn't tell me who opened it but the person who opened it was expelled and the last time it was opened a Mudblood died so its only a matter of time till one of them is killed this time Draco said I closed my book to walk over to him till Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other worried I saw there expression and I knew there was something off but I was going to to ask Them why they seemed worried till they ran out of the common room I looked at Draco as he yelled where are you two going but they didn't answer and just left I walked away till Draco called Me what's up with them he asked idk but they seemed weirder then usually I told him.

After a while I went back to my room to sleep it was already a bit Late. the next couple of day two mud bloods have been taken to the hospital wing and one of them was Hermione I started to worry more after this since my best friend has been in the hospital wing I would visited on days Ron or harry where not there I just need to tell her I was sorry for what has happened to her. A week later the wall said in blood her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever after this I was done I didn't have be sneak out of classes anymore I was done finally that same night I thought I can sleep good but I didn't I mean I didn't feel bad but I was just wanted to know if it went well.

The next morning word broke loose Harry potter saved ginny and defeated the serpent and Tom Riddle I was so upset I had to write to my mother what happened so I did

Dear mother , I am so sorry I did everything like i was suppose to, I wrote on the walls so they can know I took the snake through the pipes so it can get around the school and kill mud bloods and i put the Blame on the first year but he got in and killed the serpent he's a good wizard even for our age mother you got to Believe me he even distorted Tom riddle diary I am so sorry please mother I'm sorry

Love Hailey

I sent the letter right away and the next day she wrote back saying we will talk about it when you get home. the next couple of day I was so worried but time was going so fast by the time I knew it was the end of the school year. On the train ride back home when I got there i didn't see my mother or my father just my fathers assistant waiting for me when I got down the train he had my things already to go I followed him to the car and I didn't say a word till I got home . when I finally got home my father and my mother where waiting for me at home my father looked at me a bit mad my.

Mother gave me a hug and welcomed me home I knew we were going to have a talk when we sat in the living room to talk about everything that happened my father was yelling at me for being so stupid an that I have filed him as a daughter when he said that I broke and yelled so loud at him telling him that I did everything I had to do I gave then diary to ginny Weasley and I put the imperius curse on her to do it all for me so they won't know I was the actually the one who is the air of Slytherin and I put her body in the chamber like you all told me to .

My mother interrupted me before I can scream more at my father saying that I was just a child give her a break she did everything she had to do , but Harry Potter is a good wizard. My father said but. But noting Sykel my mother said go upstairs my mother told me as I did went up stairs I was behind a wall over hearing what else my mother and father were saying my father said the dark lord will be very disappointed I know, hunny but he might not remember or something you never know but don't take it out on. her my mother said in a soft tone

Bloody hell how could I not know. what if the dark lord don't let me be a death eater he won't see me as a loyal death eater I thought to my self well laying down on my bed the next day I went down stairs to get some breakfast till I saw the visitors down stairs but it was to late to go back upstairs they have already seen me and called me to come down I was looking everywhere fo my mother but only can see my father he gave me look that I really couldn't tell how to explain but it didn't feel good he introduced me to everyone there I shook everyones hand and said nice to meet you.

In the corner of my eye I saw mr, malfoy I didn't say hi since I already knew him but Mrs,Malfoy did say hi to me and gave me a hug after that I went into the kitchen to. get an apple or something cause there was no food just fruit I asked the house elf where my mother was he told me she went out to get somethings she will be back I just went up to my room since I had noting to do after three hours everyone left and my mother was back her and my father called me that they need talk to me I went down stairs to the living room when my mother told me you will not be returning to Hogwarts this year coming I was shock what why why cant I go back.

I asked because of ur safety my mother said and just then I knew that they were hiding something from me but I didn't want to ask them since they all ready seemed mad so I just asked where would I go? not beauxbatons academy no Hailey you will be staying her at home for your third year and you will be homeschooled I was really upset.

So I wrote to Hermione and pansy telling them I won't be returning this year to Hogwarts and I didn't know why. Pansy seemed really upset about it and so did Hermione I mean there was tear drops on the letter I told them I would miss them but I will be back for my fourth year.

Two months had gone by and summer was coming to an end.


Home school started.


after a whole year of boring homeschool classes I mean I learned more than I would at Hogwarts I learned powerful spelled and dark magic that can be very use full I also grew a bit taller and had a glow up my teeth were not messed up anymore my teeth were straight my hair is a bit shorter then I had it since I cut it and I also learned use a bit of makeup and I was also very fit since my teacher made run and be on a diet all of the year but I was fine with it.

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