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till Bellatrix yelled drop your wands I turned to see her laughing and holding a knife to Hermione throat I said drop them Bellatrix yelled harry and Ron dropped there wands pick them up chilly and draco I got Rons and draco got Harrys. well well well look what we have here she walked to the middle of the room with Hermione she whispered its harry potter he's all bright and shiny and new now.

just in time for the dar lord. call him Bellatrix yelled Lucius put the wand to his arm I looked at harry and smiled till we all looked up to hear a squeaky sound and looked up it was the stupid house elf the chandelier came falling down draco grabbed my arm and pulled my aside we fell on a arm chair Bellatrix yelled harry and Ron came up to me and draco and stole our wands draco got me up and Bellatrix yelled stupid elf you could have killed me

Dobby never meant to kill Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure. harry and Ron and the goblin and the house elf were now all together mrs,malfoy was about to throw a spell till Dobby caught her wand Bellatrix yelled how dare you take a witched wand?! how dare you defy your masters?! Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has came to save Harry Potter and his friend this all left the room but Bellatrix throw a knife straight at Dobby it went in to the circle and there were gone.

I looked at draco and he whispered in my ear its ok its ok I slayed on his side Bellatrix started yelling and yelling Narcissa ran to calm her down it ok sissy Bellatrix was still angry Narcissa then went over to Lucius and helped him up.

after a while we cleaned the mess and we all went up to get cleaned I couldn't sleep after what happened with Hermione I never cried in-front of anyone till tonight I fell to the bed and started crying I felt horrible how can I have let this happen draco was showering and when he came out he saw me I couldn't breath my eyes filed with tears I dint look up to see him I couldn't see

he came over and hugged me hey hailey look at me its ok we will run away if you want we will go to a boat and take off across the sea we will go and hide and be happy and we will never have to do anything like this again I will get all of the money are parents have we will be rich we will take everything we will live like we always have but happier we will make a mansion and we can have a ball room so I can teach you how to dance and, I will buy you the best dresses and make you so happy and I will be happy!

I looked up at draco he wiped my tears away, I put my head on his chest have gave me a kiss on my head I whispered to him I-i will love that you know I always wanted to live like that I gave him a smile and a kiss on his check I loved how his frozen cheeks felt on my lips I went to bed after and I slept a bit better after what draco told me.

the next morning we were woken by screaming we got dressed and ran down stairs Bellatrix was calling hurry now we need to go lord Voldemort was waiting for us we left the manner all of us we meet him at gringotts it was a mess glass every where and fire burns everywhere it didnt look one but like it did when I first came with mom and dad I stayed by mrs,malfoys side draco stood with Bellatrix lord Voldemort was yelling the killing curse every where he turned one after a other all the goblins in blood falling down to the floor and every security guard getting hit with the curse also.

lord Voldemort was angry he then went back arching his back yelling and gasping for air he yelled like in pain or something I was now terrified what was happening he then stopped and look straight at the middle then looking around seeing everyone dead he looked at us then started specking parseltonge but I could hear him he was like talking with the snake saying the boy has discovered our secret, nagini I looked down I started thinking but I didnt know was he was talking about then he kept speaking he came up close to us we must deploy all our forces now to find him he said then looked down at his snake telling her and you my friend must stay close he then left and mrs,malfoy looked in shock looking at everything.

after a bit we left too back to the manner till we got a other call Harry Potter was at Hogwarts lord Voldemort called us all we left to him we meet in the mountains I stayed close with draco this time like mrs,maloy always told us to since we will always only have each other we were in font of Voldemort since we were the ones always helping him, I stayed quit as he spoke telling all of us what we will do he said we will give them a hour to do as I said if they don't we will attack on my command

after a while we started walking to the top of the cliff we saw Hogwarts just standing there Voldemort started to laugh they never learn such a pity then we all turned to see one of the death eaters talk it was the minster of magic but my lord s-shouldn't we wait for... my lord he stepped back not saying a other word.

begin Voldemort said, we all started putting are wands up as we set off spells one after a other like little shooting starts they straight at Hogwarts till a a loud bang hit there was a spell protecting hogwarts we didnt stop our spells we kept hitting and hitting try to break the protection spell I hugged draco he kissed my forehead looked at me its going to be ok I nodded and I throw a other spell after a while

we couldnt lord Voldemort got angry he throw a spell breaking the protector it below went like fire I looked at it fall I counldnt look away we wait till it fell all the way down a then we too off some death eater went straight mrs,malfoy came up to us go help your friends out go now.

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