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everyone has now came back to school and me and draco were half way done we have fixed it a bit just need to try living things to see if it will work we went a week later ok ok I will do it I will get in I said opening the door draco grabbed my arm and yelled at me are you stupid not your not we will get a bird that white one from the cage go get it. I ran to the cage and grabbed the bird I pet it the whole way.

when I got there I petted the bird one more time giving it a kiss on its head draco looked at me rolling his eyes don't tell me your feeling sentimental with the bird. what not even here I handed him the bird and he closed the door draco then picked something out of my hair you had a feather he laughed I rolled my eyes and opened the door and the bird was gone I got a bit sacred and I closed the door waiting a bit then I opened the door I gasped ohh what draco snapped he saw the died bird draco fell to the floor and started crying draco ,draco its ok hey its ok we just need to do it one more time ok.

I hugged him and rubbed his back comforting but inside I wanted to scream and break everything in that room what were we doing wrong what is it but I didnt say a word. the next day Katie the girl that I hexed with the necklace was released from the hospital wing entered the great hall, confused and mad when I entered my eyes fell right on to hers I froze specially cause potter was talking to her then he turned and looked at me.

I inhaled softly and out till I got a panic attack I looked right at potter and turned away leaving the great hall I ran up the stairs to the girls bathroom I was trying to get away from everyone I need air when I made it I took of my sweater and tie I couldnt breath I wanted to break every mirror in the restroom i looked down and turned on the water to wet my face I felt Luke I was over heating I looked away from the mirrors I wanted to cry but I held it in I never cried only as a child.

till harry yelled I know what you did Sykel you hexed her, didnt you ? I turned and looked at him so what if I did huh I throw a spell at him he throw a other spell at me breaking the sink and mirror I ran away to the side of that toilets and hit him with a other spell I hide behind a wall waiting for him to show his face so I can hit him with a other spell till he showed his face I Throw him a spell made a ran for hit harry started throwing spells after spells till he meet me and shouted Sectumsempra I didnt block it in time.

It throw me back, and I hit the ground hard I felt the pain in my back till I felt, warmth all over my body I didn't feel the pain in my back now, only in my chest and stomach a bit not so much I laughed, I couldn't move my body to get my wand I could know only feel warmth and my breath shortening and shortening I felt the water under me cold but the warm that was coming out of my body was making me not feel cold I couldn't breath anymore as much. and my vision was getting blurry then the only thing I could hear was someone crying in the back I didn;t know who but it did sound familiar it was someone they were also yelling at someone .

What did you do ,

what did you do ,


sweetheart stay with me ,

Hailey oh god

I cant feel her heart beating ,

noooooo noooo.

call help call help don't stand there go,

please don't go I need you.

please. I-i love you

that was the last thing I heard till I couldnt hear anything and everything went black.


a couple days later I woke up in the hospital wing I tired to left my arm but there was something on it it was malfoy, I tried to speak but my throat hurt I swallowed a bit of saliva to help my throat, I then spoke fuck what the fuck dracos head got up so quickly your alright yeah oh bloody hell bloody hell let me call the nurse no no just get me water i'm very thirsty but don't get the nurse we are going to the room of requirements deco looked at me shock I took off my needle on my arm and got up.

draco gave me a hand and helped me Hailey but shouldn't we wait draco whispered . no lets go I snapped we walked out and we walked straight to the room of requirements when we got there draco took off the tarp off the cabinet and looked at me are you sure yess we walked away a bit till we saw black some it had work we ran off to the Astronomy tower it was night so we bled in with are black outfits we got there and heard voices I grabbed dracos hand hey just do it ok it easy the others will be here soon ok I will be right by your side ok.

we walked up to find Dumbledore alone he greeted us nicely good evening draco and Hailey what brings you here on this nice spring evening, draco asked who else it up here I heard you talking I held my wand up high and so did draco. Dumbledore told us he talked to himself I laughed at it I knew there was someone I walked around draco see if anyone was here then Dumbledore told him draco you are no assassin draco yelled how do you know what I am.

I've done things that would shock you. like cursing Katie Bellatrix and hoping that in return I cut off Dumbledore I was the one hat stupid girl deserved it I told her not to but oh no she didnt listen she should have died Dumbledore turned to look at me you were a great student Hailey what happen you and Hermione are the two brightest witches in your year and you two were best friends. I laughed that filthy mud blood and me will never be friends again and she will see what I am capable of , I turned away from Dumbledore and turned to draco do it draco or I will I yelled. then Dumbledore spoke forgive me, draco. I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart cant really have been in them.

draco cut him off he trusts me, I was chosen he reviled his death eater mark I turned at Dumbledore I was chosen also reviling my death eater mark oh how beautiful it is right. Dumbledore looked at draco alright then I shall make it easy for you . expelliarmus draco whispered Dumbledore looked shock again you two aren't alone the are others how ? the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement we have been mending it it a form passage with one at Borgin and burkes

I looked back at Dumbledore seens he was speaking draco years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices please let me help you draco cut him off I don't want your help don't you understand I have to do this I have to kill you or, he's going to kill me

I looked to see Bellatrix come in with greyback and two others well look what we have here well done draco Bellatrix gave a kiss to draco on the cheek. do it draco she yelled I looked at him now draco now or I will Bellatrix cut me off no the dark lord was clear the boy is the one to do it. I was about to step in front of draco to do it till we heard a no it was Snape...... it was quiet till snap spoke Avada Kedavra

Bellatrix shot up to the sky and I got draco and went down the stairs

Bellatrix gave me a kiss on the cheek as she passed by me singing I walked fast down the stairs draco looked so worried i looked down as we walked out the great hall Bellatrix breaking every cup and plate and then breaking every window with a spell I looked at draco to see him he looked like he wanted to cry.we walked out and went out to the forest this time I held dracos hand on the way down the hill we made it to hagrid house and Bellatrix asked is anyone home hello we all turn to hear someone yell Snape it was potter I shot a spell at him Pay back for what you did to me Snape held me back no he belongs to the dark lord Bellatrix grabbed my hand and told me to set the house on fire

so I did she started cheering and jumping Snape told us to run so draco grabbed my arm and took me we left and fled out of Hogwarts I felt all he air on my face draco was still holding on to my hand as we let when we got to malfoy manner it was day time and my mother was there I ran to her and hugged her I missed you and he's dead she gave me a kiss and lead me inside, im proud darling.

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