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when we finally got there my mother gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave me a big hug telling me to be good ok I love you. I love you to mother see you next year she left and went back home and Bellatrix saw I was here and welcomed me inside. when I went inside I saw draco he didn't look at me back or anything just looked down I didn't ask if he was alright or anything but I felt like I had to but still didn't mrs,malfoy took me to a side and told me sorry but you will have to share a room with draco the gust room you always stay in it taken by Bellatrix my sister so is it ok you share with him .

of course he won't bother me or anything so I'm fine with it I looked at draco but he was still looking at the floor mrs,malfoy looked at me and said if anything tell meek I will do something . thank you but don't worry I will be fine.

I went up stairs with draco to seat a bed for my self on the floor cause I will not share a bed with him as we went up stairs I we didn't talk only till we got to his room I broke the silence so what's up with you. noting he looked so pale and dead he didn't even bother to look at me only say our you sure you want to sleep on the floor its not comfortable trust me. its fine I will sleep on the floor I will put a spell or something I said after we were done seating the bed on the floor

we went down for dinner Bellatrix told us that we start tomorrow at noon I nodded at her and so did draco then Bellatrix said we will be having our first meeting at the end of summer understood so you two will be ready. after dinner me and draco went back to his room to get some sleep. I couldn't sleep and just thinking and draco was right the floor is not comfortable but I didn't say anything I kept turning but I couldn't sleep. I heard a hum but I didn't know pay action to it till again I sat up to see draco humming to himself I whispered draco you up?

no response so I just slayed back down till he look down on me from his bed told you the floor was not comfortable come up he whispered fine just cause I cant sleep I got up and got on the bed he looked at me with a smirk but it went right away when I reached for the blanket and he saw my death eater mark on my arm he looked at me so sad he's eyes looked watery and he just turned around I didn't notice what I did till he turned I was grabbing his shoulder.

what's the matter with you been acting so weird since I got here is there something wrong? I whispered. Did it hurt when you got it he asked softly? No not at all did yours hurt I looked down to grab his arm to see it was red he moved his arm away from and snapped lets get some sleep I lade down facing away from him I couldn't get the image out of my head his forearm was so red like he has been scratching it I fell asleep after ten minutes and the next morning I woke up to turn too see draco but he was gone I got up to go to the bathroom to shower I grabbed the dorm handle and opened it when I bumped into draco he was shirtless of course.

shit umm sorry " its fine I forgot my shirt he said with a laugh I passes him and went to to take a shower when I came out draco was still getting ready and I grabbed my hair tie from my bag and put my up in a pony tail I grabbed my wand and head down stairs till I felt someone grab my arm wait it was draco wait a bit there's always death eater in the morning and they are always in a bad mood he got me and pushed me back into his room. that was close he had me up against the wall holding me he turned and looked at me straight in my eyes I could feel his breath and I can see how pale he is till I pushed him off me softly umm well now we can go right down stairs I asked, oh yeah now we can I went down stairs and draco was right behind me.

after breakfast we got up and went to the back yard where Bellatrix was waiting for us I stepped out and she throw a spell at me but, I blocked it before it can hit me. I looked at draco and he didn't say a word Bellatrix started by saying what spells we will be learning first then three curses Imperius curse, Cruciatus curse, and my favorite of all Killing curse. I looked at her and gave Bellatrix a smile ok now Hailey I will shoot you spells and you block them ok wait do I hit you with any or no I asked no just block.

we turned back to back and walked a bit then she started with the first spell throw me a hex densaugeo she shouted I yelled protego and blocked it she then hit with a other hex then a other non stoping I kept yelling protege. till she stopped next was draco they did the same thing and she was a bit slower on him tho then I was next and started with her but this time I had to throw her hexes and spells and also block hers I was a bit nervous but not that much cause I was excited.

stupefy I shouted she blocked it so fast she hit me with a other spell didn't hear it but I did block it and now I was holding my wand really tight and started yelling spell after spell. and hitting her she was really fast at blocking till I hit her with expelliarmus she looked really proud of me well done Hailey she said with a smirk I gave her a bow and went to the side since it was dracos turn after he was done Bellatrix said that that was it for today and we will go again tomorrow.

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