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when I was finally ready I was walking out of my dorm to the common room I was fixing my tie when all of a sudden I bumped into someone making me fall to the floor when I looked up to see who or what I bumped into when of Course it was Malfoy oh shit Hailey watch where you going . sorry I didn't see you. Draco didn't say anything just got up from the floor and walked out the common room I was right behind him we didn't talk all the way down or anything I mean we don't even talk to be honest the most time we talk was on the train ride to Hogwarts

I saw pansy seating down besides blaise I said across from her and draco sat next to me I still had the question in my head how did I end up in my dorm did pansy come and get me I nahh she can barley cary her heavy book bag she makes Draco or Blaise to cary it manly blaise since he is nicer I didn't want to ask in front of everyone so I waited till me and pansy had potions together and that was our class right after breakfast.

once we were done with breakfast me and pansy took of to our first class we sat together at the Conner. professor Snape didn't really care if Slytherin students talked in class he was fine with it so once we got there I asked pansy about last night if she went for me she looked at me confused what no I thought you came in by your self hmm maybe it was Adrian he has been looking at you ever since you came back to Hogwarts I swear Im always catching him stare at you. really I said but he wasn't even in the common room when I entered . oh well who was pansy asked I knew she was going to say that and I just stayed quiet cause I knew the only person there was malfoy and pansy has been crushing on him a bit so I didn't say cause I don't know maybe it will hurt her feels or she won't believe it.

so who was there hello Hailey? oh shit sorry pansy I was thinking who was there but there was no one that I can remember oh ok well lets start this potion before Snape gets mad at us after we were done I had class next with Hermione and no Slytherins so I sat with Hermione. so how is it going with harry? I asked. oh god Hailey well Ron and harry are not speaking and are really mad at each other and Ron and harry aren't even speaking this morning Ron made me tell harry something like I was a owl who dose that ughhhh and now I'm even more scared for harry cause the first task is dragons DRAGONS

Your joking right? I asked. no i'm not like at all I been trying to look up everything last night butt it was too much Hailey can you help me look up some things about dragon that can help harry?! of course I will Hermione we will go right after dinner I will meet you there ok. when we got to dinner I ate a bit to much I just know it going to be a long night so I don't want to be hungry pansy was talking with Draco and asking me something but was thinking about the dragons. Hailey hello Hailey pansy snapped her fingers at me and it made me look at her oh sorry I was thinking what's up. oh well we are going to the common room already you coming? oh no sorry I will be there a bit late I have to help someone with something but I will see you all there.

I left to the library by the time Hermione got there I was already on my second book about dragons. sorry I'm a bit Late I was talking with Ron and harry its ok don't need to apologize we started to look and look but noting will help him so we gave up i mean we did read every book about dragon but noting that can help him noting at all as we were walking to go to the stairs I looked at her and I can tell she is really worried about harry I gave her a smile and headed down to the Slytherin common room when I got there .

no one was there at all it was really dark the only thing that gave light was the fire . as I walked to go to the dorms I tripped over a book making me fall and making the quiet room not so quiet anymore all of sudden a blond head got up from the couch it was malfoy he was awake looking so confused what in the bloody hell sorry sorry I tripped I didn't mean to wake you up he looked down to see me on the floor a-are you all right his tired voice said. yeah am fine sorry tho don't be its all fine I pushed my self off the floor to stand up I walked over to the couch where malfoy was he moved to the other side as I sat down

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