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once we all settled down my mother looked at me and told me you will be with the malfoys from now on till I see you in the meetings I have to be with your father and the dark lord at all times and you and draco did a wonderful job I will see you again in a weaker two for the meeting ok my love she gave me a kiss and took off.mrs Malfoy came and took me in she took me and draco to his room I couldnt sleep and also draco couldnt we didnt speck the whole night just hugged each other I could fell he didnt want to let go of me but I wanted a bit of space but I didnt move cause i know he need me I stayed quiet and stayed awake

the next day new broke out about Dumbledore and the dark mark and muggle families getting murdered. I went outside to the garden and I read the newspaper I didnt fell like being inside today till they called me it was mrsmalfoy if I can feed the prisoners I had to do that for the next couple of days.

the week went fast and we had our next meeting we all sat in the dinning table ready , but we were waiting for someone to join I didnt ask my mother by my side I just looked down and laughed a bit with the others till Snape came in I looked over to see him in shock to see one of a muggleborn teacher I looked up and I forgot she was there I looked back down when I heard Voldemort call Snape so nice for you to join us.

he asked if he had news Snape then spoke it will happen Saturday net at night fall Yaxley spoke after Snape I have heard differently my lord darkish the furor has let a slip that the potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month the day before he turned 17 Snape shouted this is a false trail the aurora office no longer plays any part of the protection of Harry Potter those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the ministry a other death eater laughed well they got that right haven't they

everyone stuttered laughing but this time I stayed quiet Voldemort spoke looking straight what say you I looked to see him one hears many things my lord whether the truth is among them is not clear, Voldemort laughed spoke like a true politician you will I think prove most useful plus , where will the boy be taken Snape spoke to a safe house most likely the home of someone in the order.

im told its been given every manner of protection possible once there it will impractical to attack him, Bellatrix spoke my lord I'd like to volunteer myself for this task I want to kill the boy. WORMTAIL Voldemort yelled have I not spoke to about keeping our gust quiet worm tail was in shock terrified y- yes my lord I will get to that Voldemort voice went back down as inspiring as I find your bloodlust Bellatrix I must be the one to kill Harry Potter but,i face a unfortunate complication my wand and potters is the same its a twin Voldemort said as he stood up and walked around the table

if I am to kill him I must to it with a others wand I put my head down and so did everyone else owe walked around and went back down he spot between draco and his father what about you Lucius, Lucius looked up my my lord Voldemort took out his and in front of him I require your wand Lucius took out his wand and gave it to him. Voldemort broke the Snake off its wand . and throw it on the table he then spoke about the teacher we had in the air he spoke her specialty was teaching muggle studies everyone stated to laugh as she came to the middle its miss Burbage believe that Muggles aren't so different from us

she would given her way to make us mate with them everyone stated laughing and gagging till , she whispered s-ss-severus Severus please we we're friends till Voldemort spoke killing her she fell to the table in front of me I saw a tear run down her face till Voldemort snake came on the table we all moved our hands out the way and she swallowed her whole

the next days we all Waite till me had to attack I was always helping mrs malfoy since she was so worried and scared she was a bit shocking an she became so over protective of me and draco she saw me as a daughter and I saw her as a mother since I was always with them.

time went so fast this days and the day came when we will have to attack I could tell draco was a bit worried and so was mrs malfoy she grabbed me and draco stay together ok you to our to be there for each other ok I gave her a hug and a smile at draco I walked away to get ready when mrs malfoy whispered something in his ear he gave her a hug and came to me I grabbed his hand as we we took off we fellow all the way I could see he was a bit nervous I grabbed his hand tight till wee got there we all waited in the sky Bellatrix was so excited I stayed close to draco we all quiet down when we heard them come out we went up higher and waited

once they took off we went after them one after a other but not till the got a bit higher in the sky once they did we went one hand in my wand and one other hand with Draco's hand then we started spell after spell I saw one get hit then a other I started casting spells and so did draco a green light went right between us making us separate I smiled and went off I hit one someone but I didnt know who I saw draco again and he was about to get hit with a spell behind his back i flied in front of him I yelled Avada kedavra I hit moody eye I remembered him from fourth year I saw him go down I looked over to draco I grabbed his hand and flied out of there.

since everyone was gone kinda we were the first to arrive at malfoy manner mrs malfoy ran to us I carried draco inside he got cut on his arm mrs malfoy helped me we took him to his bed room I cast a healing charm he fell asleep after a while of mrs malfoy tucking him in after a while she looked at me what's wrong dear, I-i I killed mad eye h-he throw a spell at draco and I killed him she grabbed me and gave me a hug its ok dear it was either draco or him I know i put my head on her shoulder we separated when we heard the others arrive.

I went down I saw Bellatrix happy and cheering we got one tho she looked at me I was covered in blood she ran over to me what who's is that I whispered dracos she ran up the stairs to dracos room I went after her she hugged her sister and patted draco on the head what happened I looked at her mad eye throw a spell at him after a while of talking a bit they left and I stayed with draco I played with his hair till I fell asleep

the next day draco was better but I had to leave him there with his mother I had to go help them destroy the ministry of magic draco didnt want me to go but I still went once we got there I throw spells after spells I hit so many I lost count but I knew one thing it was I was getting springier with my spells after we left the ministry we went to go kill he minister of magic once we did went to attach where Harry Potter was.

we attacked there little wedding green lights went everywhere and I was attacking ginny Wesley I hit her spell after spell I heard potter call out to her I hit her with a spell making her fall I left her there as we all started to live since we saw Harry Potter leave I head back to the manner I landed and went inside after Bellatrix draco ran over to me a-are you ok I shock my head yess am fine Bellatrix looked at me and smiled she's a good witch she knows her spells I smiled at her and took off with draco we went to the kitchen I grabbed some water till we went back out we saw the dark lord go in the basement where we had Ollivander he screamed and screamed I went up stairs with draco so I wouldn't hear it again.

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