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I looked at draco we both hugged mrs,malfoy and then we left we went into the sky I looked at him we need to get pansy and blaise out he nodded then we went into hogwarts everyone was running I saw all the Slytherins going down to the dungeons I grabbed draco and took him we saw pansy and Blaise we grabbed them and took them out what what are you doing pansy yelled at me its me calm down I yelled

draco had blaise nice to see me draco laughed we took them out straight to the black lake we landed nice I looked at pansy take the boat you all will make it out ok save yourself draco and me still need to go back go I hugged pansy and blaise I tried not to cry blaise looked at me thank you thank you for being such a good friend he hugged me back and got in the boat pansy then started to cry be safe ok please I I will miss you and I will see you after right I hugged her tight yeah you will ok I will meet up with you two now hurry get out of here they got in the boat and left.

I looked at draco wwe will meet here after we get my wand and see if harry and Hermione and Ron our ok if we get separated we will meet here ok draco said I nodded and we took off we flied back to the school I look down to see trolls falling down fire, and spells I grabbed dracos hand tight we landed back to the other Slytherin draco grabbed goyle we then ran to the room of requirements what what our we doing here.

Goyle snapped don't talk I yelled at him as we hide behind a wall we need to get our wands back draco grabbed my arm come one lets go I got up and followed him we walked up Goyle was freaking out seeing everything broken I grabbed dracos hand and closed my eyes like last year we went in i opend my eyes I saw the mess just like before

we walked around I saw the cabinet that we fixed we walked around I heard someone else in the room I whispered to draco telling him there is someone in the room we walked a bit more till we saw harry draco spike well well what brings you here potter? dark asked I held my wand high and by dracos side,

harry spoke I can ask you the same I spoke breaking a bit of silence you have something of ours we will like it back harry cut me off before I could say anything else what's wrong with the one you have I looked at harry with a discussed face its my mothers and draco has his mothers draco spoke its not the same as my and Haileys harry spoke again why didnt you tell her? Bellatrix I steeped back a bit I looked at draco goyle was now even more confused.

you knew it was me both of you knew why didnt you too say anything I stayed quiet then I spike I dot know what your talking about I- stop specking when goyle got next to draco and whispered come on draco don't be a prat do him harry started grabbing his wand easy I yelled then Hermione came expelliarmus she yelled I stepped back as dracos wand fell to the ground , goyle yelled avada kedavra

I grabbed dracos arm and ran for it Ron came after us goyle caught up to us and so did Ron goyle said a spell so fast I didnt understand him fire started coming out of his wand it didmd stop the whole place them started to catch on fire Ron screamed and ran back I started stepping back trying to get away from the fire goyle wand didnt stop spiting fire out I ran to the side and fire went straight ar me a bit of my hair caught on fire I fell to the ground draco pick me up.

come on there's no where else come we need to climb I started to climb the desk draco helped me up a bit I looked down I handed him my arm I grabbed his arm and helped him up we both started to go higher and higher he had to help me up a bit on some parts as me got to the middle goyle was right under draco the fire was now getting bigger and bigger.

I held my hand for draco as we look down goyle lost hold of the desk and fell straight to the fire drace didnt offer him a hand we looked down at him and we started to climb back up books were now falling on us we made it to the top I made  it first I held my hand for draco I helped him up we made it to the top draco held me in his arms I put my head in his chest till saw Hermione and Ron and harry flying on the dorms but they wouldnt save us I put my head back on his chest till we both fell the desk tilted to a side I cried I looked at draco thank you for everything for being there for me im sorry I was a bit of a bitch I cried I just wanted to make him proud.

draco started to cry too looking at me don't tell me this right now we aint going to die please hailey don't I looked down then back at draco I have to say this before we die I have grown to love and I love you my eyes filed with tears and my hands started to let go my hand slipped and I fell

Draco grabbed my hand nooo no hold on please hold on I looked up at him then harry came Hailey get my hand he yelled I tired to but I couldnt I lost grip of draco I saw his face as I fell, Hermione then came under me she caught me as I fell, you ok I looked at her bloody hell oh my god yess and I hugged her then I remembered draco we need to get him harry or Ron will ok I nodded and saw harry grab draco.

I held on to Hermione so tight not trying to let go, fire was now falling on us Hermione then throw a spell making the fire separate we made it out and I fell we all fell off the broom I landed on the floor rolling I coughed as I got up I ran over to draco, draco ,draco a-are you ok I held him up yeah im fine lets go we got up and left I then went back wait I went to Hermione thank you and im sorry for everything I hugged her draco then grabbed my arm lets go come on I ran with him

I covered my head from rocks falling on me we made it to the court yard I hugged and I gave him a kiss before I pulled away telling him draco see you at the boat ok go goi hugged him one more time then gave him a kiss we separated and I ran for it spell after spell I bumped into cho she throw a spell at me I blocked it I throw her a other spell she blocked it she then yelled at me you death eater I blocked her spell I laughed come on now cho lets finish this like in fifth year yeah I throw her a spell making her fall back she hit me with a other I blocked it but now let me do you a favor and put you with you with your ex lover Cedric I laughed, then I yelled avada kedavra I saw as she tried to block it but field to her motion less body fell to the ground I ran away.

I blocked spells as I ran I hit a troll on the way I saw Hermione run with harry and Ron I didnt follow them I ran to the black lake to get away from everything I had to go and meet draco there I ran for it as I was getting there I fell to my knees I tried to walk but my legs couldnt I pulled my self over to what I was seeing I didnt want to relive what I was seeing I felt my heart sink as I saw the blond hair on the floor I made it to the body when I turned the body over my heart disappeared when I saw who it was it was draco I grabbed his head and I pit it on my thighs hey wake up draco, wake up ,were almost there the boat is right there come on. I turned to see someone on the floor only a few steps away from dracos Body I didnt get up to see who it was I look down to see his face he's beautiful face his eyes were closed I whispered to him please wake up.

come on now im right here like I always been please baby wake up I put my head on his chest I didnt hear a heart beat I gasped and I cried on his chest please baby wake up the boat right is right there please only a few more steppes come on don't play with me please I cried.

I stayed with him a bit longer. then I found my self getting up I carried his body I waked away from the boat I could still see his face I walked  away and went to the school I hide from everyone with draco still in my arms I hold him in my arms and I stayed with him I hide behind a wall.

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