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my fourth year at Hogwarts finally I can see my friends when I got on the the train I didn't see pansy only draco so I sat with him I mean it was him or some first years when I sat down he looked so surprised Hailey? draco said in a shocking tone yesss I said. y-you look so different now you got really pretty and you change a lot wow. wow thanks draco nice to see you too I said well rolling my eyes well how was your summer/homeschool he asked wait you know about that draco how my mom told me that u were going to be home schooled ohh well it was alright to be honest did I miss anything at schooling asked.

Draco POV ~

yeah you did but not a lot just a prisoner escaped Azkaban and was at Hogwarts and he is harry grandfather and are teacher against the dark arts turned out to be a werewolf and I got attached by a bloody chicken almost lot my arm she laughed a bit from what I said what's so funny huh I could have died Hailey. after I said that she rolled her eyes with a little giggle. on the train ride back to Hogwarts i told her about every thing she messed and the drama but the whole time I couldn't keep my eyes off of her she has change so much I mean in a good way tho like she was always pretty but now she beautiful like the way she smiles the way her wavy hair is part down the middle I started to notice everything new about her and her body it change a bit but they don't matter she seems more talkative now and funny not how she use to be all shy and just her nose in books all the time and I mean I want to get really close to her now she and I can probably hit it off or something I mean I never know what can happen after a while we arrived at Hogwarts and I went to tell Blaise about Hailey how she has changed and looked beautiful


after a while of looking for Hermione and pansy I bumped into ginny hoping she don't remember noting she said oh am so sorry didn't see you there am ginny by the way I know who you are and its fine I said wait Hailey Sykel your back oh you don't know how much Hermione missed you and wow you change a bit I didn't even recognize you ginny said thanks anyways do you know where Hermione is and have you seen pansy yeah look they are about to. get off the train I ran so fast into heroines arms she really didn't even recognize me but when she saw me a bit more she Yelled HAILEY oh my god your back wow you have change oh I missed you so much I missed you too and yeah I have change a bit I laughed harry ad Ron said hi and we followed them.

after we got in the carriages we talked about our summer all the way I can tell harry and Ron were a it annoyed by us but we didn't care to be honest so what did you do in the summer I asked Hermione I went to the quidditch world game but we didn't even stay a night cause of you know who a mark of his showed in the sky and death eaters attacked and burned everything down the ministry of magic were going crazy they were about to attack us till Rons dad saved us after Hermione told me the rest we were at Hogwarts and we were getting down we said goodbye see u in the great hall in a hour I went to the Slytherin common room to go to my dorm to change for the feast and shorting for the New Years.

when I entered the room I saw pansy talking with Blaise and Draco when she saw me she ran and hugged me we almost fell to the floor if the couch didn't save us. wow so it is true u have change a bit like Draco said I looked at Draco and told him really after me and pansy went to our room to change ur hair I said it so short I know I had it even shorter last year you should have seen it I hated pansy said I mean It cant be that bad but why did you cut it so short? I asked I had to cause of a stupid potion my brother did at home it Messed up my hair so my mom had to cut it bloody hell pansy you need to be more careful yeah yeah I know she said

after we got out of the common room draco walked right besides me all the way till we got in the great hall he even sat next to me he was being nice but I didn't want to say anything cause we was not even bothering me after a while he did. but it was not that bad when we were all seated Dumbledore started he's speech and introducing the other school around the world the first ones were Beauxbatons school of all girls they entered with a dance all the boys mouths were on the floor me and pansy rolled are eyes to see that Hermione was also rolling her eyes.

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