It was now morning and I only got two hours of sleep I woke up and went to the great hall to breakfast it was me and pansy for five minutes till Blaise and draco came in and of course he sat in-front of me pansy was talking to them asking how they slept like always then blaise asked me how did I sleep It took me a moment to answer till I said fine I can tell someones eyes were on me so I just looked down at my bacon and ate the two next days went so fast and it was the yule ball pansy and all the girls got ready in the morning every girl had there own women doing there hair and makeup I was in the corner annoyed of how long this was taking but the first girl to be ready was Daphne and then pansy they both went down with out me and I stayed getting ready I was a bit happy they left since now the only one talking was my hair lady, when I was finally ready i was about to leave my dorm till my house elf appeared in my room Ms,Sykel wait here Mrs,Sykel your mother wanted me to give you this

It was a diamond neckless it was the one she wore to here yule ball my house elf handed it out to me when I said thank you wait before you leave can you put it on me I bent down and moved my curls out of the way

when I stood up to look at myself in the mirror and I couldn't believe it I looked so beautiful I turned to look at my house elf crying a are you ok I asked yess its just that I still remember you since you were a baby and now look at you going to your first ball and you look so like your mother beautiful I gave my house elf hug and said thank you Semiley

I was now walking up the stairs it took me a while since it was a lot of stairs and my dress was kinda big but when I finally got there Adrian, draco ,pansy, and blaise , Daphne where waiting for me when they saw me there months dropped specially the guys pansy smacked draco cause his mouth was open the most Daphne also had to hit blaise when I walked down the stairs I felt so like a princess but I didnt saying only hi Adrian took my hand y-you look beautiful thank you I smiled draco didnt say a word blaise kissed my hand saying you look beautiful thank u i said then me we went in to the great hall I can feel everyones eyes on me and I heard one of the Ravenclaw say is that Hailey Sykel then a couple of Hufflepuff say no way she looks beautiful I just smiled and looked at Adrian

I was so happy .then the four champions came in and merlin hell Hermione looks so beautiful she waved at me and a blow her a kiss I can tell she was blushing from everyone they had too dance first then everyone else once they all danced we went in and I still didn't really know how to dance but not bad Adrian grabbed my waists and hand and dance with me we went left to right and turning and in the air it was so amazing my night then they started to play my favorite song I danced with Hermione we couldn't stop giggling when the song was over I saw that harry and Ron where seating down and they looked upset I told her to call them over.

I waited for her in the dance floor I started dancing with Adrain and bloody hell the dances he was doing I was laughing so much he grabbed my arm and turned me so many times I got dizzy he then pulled me out of the dance floor to get punch once we were done I looked around for Hermione but noting I didnt see her so I went back to the common room with Adrain I was also pretty tired once we got there he took me to my room I said thank you I had a amazing night glad you did he lean over for a kiss so I went in gave him a kiss but then he grabbed me and I tired to push away but he kept coming on to me stop stop Adrian shhh stop talking I screamed for help but no one came i kept trying to push him off but he had me now pinned up the wall he was trying to undo my dress but he couldn't find the zipper after a second he found it but he was half way down with it till pansy came in the dorm she was so happy till she saw me what what are you doing get off of her pansy tired to pull him of but he put a spell on her at this moment I heard

draco come in asking what was going and behind him was blaise what the fuck? they got Adrian off of me and they both started to beat the shit out of him I didnt say anything I kept quiet in the corner I fell to the ground the only thing I could hear was the yelling from the guys but only for a bit till I felt and heard noting after what felt like hours I felt someone get me and cry me to my bed I didnt pay action .

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