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Time passed, i fell asleep. I opened my eyes by the sound outside, lesser people could be heard talking. Which is suspicious. I stepped closer and leaned my ear on, "Where did she come from?" a deep voice. Different from any other humans, the tone to his voice was, godly. I stepped back, and looked to the empty wall.

Suddenly, a spark of electricity ran down my barricade. The shock pulled them down towards the ground, then exploded. The wind burst to my hair as i saw the opening ahead. My roots were destroyed, completely. Leaving me standing on the bare ground. There i saw a man, his eyes were glowing blue. I widened my eyes and stepped back. Arm closing my face.

He stepped forward, "S-stay back! I don't want to hurt you!" i said. He then stopped and said "I am here to assist you." His voice, was deep. But i can sense kindness through it. A white and blue robe with a straw hat on top. A weird choice of clothing but who am i to judge. I lowered my guard and slowly straighten my pose. I looked at the woman beside him, the blonde one. She was pretty young, with another woman with a mesmerizing black skin. Both astonishingly pretty.

"What is your name? And where is it do you come from?" he asked, i glanced back at him and said "(Y/N), i...i am from Outworld." He lifted a brow while the blonde one crossed her arms. "I don't want any trouble, i promise. I'll leave--" i turned my body around, only to be stopped by what came out of his mouth next.

"You almost take another's life, did you not?" he stated. I stopped my pose and widened my eyes. Erron's image flashed through my mind. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I looked down as i didn't answer a single word. "You are terrified, of the many possibilities you could cause to harm others..." he approached me, then continued "You wanted to be left alone, but cannot face the fact that wherever you go, there will be other's presence..." he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I was surprised and by reflex turned around, stared at him sharply into his eyes. Vines started to wrap around my arms as i felt anger. Not to him, but to myself. "You are disrupted by many emotions, but taking the blame to yourself is a false move" he said. My vines tangled away as i calmed down. I sighed and looked down. "Do not worry, i am here to assist you" he said.

I looked up to him, nothing but an emotionless expression. He was strict to his emotions, his tone was also has no tempo. "Why do you want to help me?" i asked. It was obvious that earlier i wanted to cut my self in half for having this powers. "Because my duty is to protect Earthrealm, and its people" again with the flat expression. I wasn't convinced by what he said, neither do i understand it.

"But i'm not from Earthrealm, i-"

"You were once from Earthrealm, i can see it in your eyes that you were human. Although your intentions going to Outworld, that information i do not posses" he cut my words quickly, the glitters inside his pupils were astonishing. Like thunder held captive in a bubble glass.

"I..don't want to hurt anyone..i just needed to know how i managed to receive this powers so sudden..and why the reason behind it" i stated. He placed his hand on my shoulder which i hadn't expected, because it made me flinched a bit.

"Do not worry, i will help you figure this anomaly" he said. I was slightly having the urge to not trust him.

But i had no choice. I guess to prevent anymore casualties i must do as he said. I nodded while his hand were off from me.

I turned my head to the blonde one and she smiled. "Nice to meet you (Y/N), you can call me Cassie" she approached me and offered a hand. I glanced at it and slowly handed out my hand. I was too cautious, "Relax, you're not going to kill me by a handshake" she chuckled. I found it funny and smiled, she was sweet.

"That one over there is Jacqui" she pointed the person behind her, i gestured a hand and she waved back. I felt the air pressure inside my lungs relaxed, i was holding back too many things.

"Now, i shall take her to my domain" the godly man turned around and faced Cassie. I was left with a blank stare, what domain? his home i presume? I was very nervous. I held my arm and try to steady my breathing up.

They had a conversation which i didn't really hear, but when they were done, he turned back to face me. "Let us go" he stated, i nodded. He turned to Cassie and Jacqui one last time before he summoned his magic. I didn't expect it when lighting charged from the sky to the both of us. It took seconds before i opened my eyes back, staring into a massive yet beautiful temple.

I mouthed an impressed facial expression, i spun my head to him "I never catch your name" i said, he looked down at my 175 cm tall body and said "You may call me Lord Raiden". I was shocked and immediately payed my respect by bowing. "My apologies! I never expected!" i exclaimed looking at the ground, i could feel the corner of his mouth twitched upwards. He placed a hand on my head, "Do not sorry, for i have planned it from the beginning. I knew formalities would not get you to tell your story" he ruffled my hair.

I looked up to him and smiled, even though one act of annoyance was made. Okay, why does everyone likes to mess with my hair?!

I trailed behind him as he walked towards the entrance. I honestly thought he was taking me into some deep shit hole or a very creepy looking dungeon. Too bad paranoia was taking over me.

There were so many flowers, the garden was very pretty as well. My eyes was caught off guard by everything. There were a few people wearing orange traditional clothing, their hair were trimmed short. Monks i presume?

Nicely guessed (Y/N).

There from the inside, a figure with long braided white-silverish hair stepped out. His pair of eyes were glowing white. He greeted Raiden warmly then turned towards me. I was very amazed by his stare and smile, it caught me off guard.

He was charming.

The person seemed to question my very being, seeing as he glanced to me twice. Raiden explained to him while i didn't hear the words they had in their conversation. I was zoned out looking at the man, his facial features has explained all of the expressions i've given.


After done talking, i woke up from a momentary day dream and had Raiden's eyes on me.

"(Y/N), this is Fujin. My brother" Raiden introduced, i tried to control my balance and bow down. Payed my respect.

"Nice to meet you Lord Fujin, sorry for the inconvenience. I would appreciate your hospitality" he chuckled. I raised my head up to be greeted by his figure which was suddenly a few inches from me "What inconvenience? I'm glad we have, visitor. Do not worry, we will help you with your powers" he placed his hand on my head.

Again, with people having my hair as their place to mess with.

I sensed my blood rushing down my cheeks, i couldn't help but widely smiled. He removed his hand from my head after i nodded. "Come, let us discuss this inside" Fujin stated.

Not long after both of my foot have stepped inside, i felt a sudden pain stroke my head. I grunted in pain, then a flash of picture lies before me. My vision, there stand a woman. With hair i never imagine would be as gorgeous, eyes like the gold in the depth. She said "Finally, my child. Now grow to fulfill your destiny" before my body was pulled extraordinarily by the gravity under.

Just before it happened, a pair of arms caught me. "(Y/N), are you alright?" a voice said, i looked up to lock my eyes with Raiden's. I nodded slowly while he supported me back up, "It's my visions. They...changed."

To be continued

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