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I woke up greeted by the sudden chill filling the entire atmosphere, i gripped my futon slightly after my eyes were wide open. I stretched my arms, gradually crawling towards the wooden window. The sudden regret stroke me when i burst the planks open, cold substance fell down from above.

I yelped in the spot, noticed the freezing snow landed on my face. Instantly making my blood chilled, reddening my bare skin. My door slid open unexpectedly, a tall figure turned to me in surprise.

"(Y/N), i heard a scream."

I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment, "Don't worry. I was surprised by the--" my words got cut off when my nostrils tingled. I sneezed. The Thunder God cornered a vague smile, he immediately approached me and kneeled beside me. His action firstly made my figure flinched, his unpredictability always made me in the brink of surprise all the time. I let our eyes met in remark.

"You are unfamiliar with the snow?"

Without any warning nor hesitation, he brushed his finger on the bridge of my nose, sweeping off the snow lies on it. My cheeks burned off the low temperature instantly. Glancing away to avoid eye contact, i mumbled "I-i'm not! I told you i was just surprised."

Raiden grabbed my chin and turned me towards him, he continued to brush his fingers on my face which had snow on them. My forehead, my cheeks, the tip of my nose. I can already tell by the tempo of my beating heart, the God of Thunder is an ass, not knowing that 'emotions' existed. Pink fluster covered entirely most of my vague freckles.

"Are you alright? Your face is turning red," he swiftly placed the back of his fingers on my forehead, which instantly made my heated face worsen. I grabbed his hand quickly, gently putting them aside. "I-i'm fine, really."

He nodded after i assured my condition, i reverted my eyes back to the view outside. Admiring the view of the garden. The fountain's liquid were frozen. My lips twitched to a smile, mesmerized by the white substance covering most of the area. Including the flowers. The wind carried the unrecognized aroma through my sense of smell, entering my room to lower the temperature.

My body quivered when the cold stroke my body, sending chills across my bare legs. Raiden seemed to notices my shivering lips, he reached for the blanket behind and covered my body. I was surprised in the spot, gazed my eyes up to him. "Oh please, don't mind me."

"I may reconsider to warm you with my lightning, if you wish."

I bit my tongue by is response, crossing my arms unimpressed. "I'll stick to this preference." I was starting to wonder where he learns how to tease people now. A vague smirk was planted across his lips. Seconds passed, he stood up and paused up in between the doors.

"I will leave you to your amusement, (Y/N)."


Hot breath started to blow out from my mouth, slowly scattered when i exhaled. The hot tea inside my mug made my hands blessed by the warmth. Looking at the tolerable thickness of the snow, i wondered if my flowers were alright. But judging by the temperature, it might be disappointing.

I sighed, closing my eyes as i swallowed the warm liquid from my mug. The fragrant greeted my nostrils softly. Putting aside the empty mug, i stood up and let my feet steps outside. Approaching the white substance carefully.

Automatically, my foot sunk 16 centimeters deeper. My heart skipped a beat at the sudden surprise. I giggled at my state, the continued to make my way across the garden. My eyes scanned the entire area. Snow dripped down from the branches above.

I approached the fountain and stared at my reflection, the water was rather feculent in its frozen state. I caressed my hair back, letting my sight to view the rest. I plucked out a flower from the near ground, spun the blossom with snow scattered on top of their petals.

Fatal strucK | Raiden x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now