TB 3

366 13 2

The bar was my favorite place to crash in, at a time to work my part time job. I brushed my hair thoroughly behind the curtain, just a few minutes before the pianist arrive. I patted my short dress enough to let the ruffle loosened.

I stepped out in the spotlight, a few eyes glanced towards me. I adjusted the microphone slightly to match my desired spot. As the piano began to open its tone, i inhaled a deep breath to calm my nervousness.

I opened my eyes "There's a saying old, says that love is blind.....Still we're often told, seek and ye shall find...So i'm going to seek a certain lad i've had in mind...

The atmosphere changed, from the ruckus to a soft mild silence. Eyes were locked on my figure on the wooden stage. "Looking everywhere, haven't found him yet..." my eyes scanned the crowd, walking around the piano gracefully.

"He's the big affair i cannot forget...Only man i ever think of with regret..." i placed myself sitting on the piano, crossing my feet as i smiled. I gestured my hand "I'd like to add his initial to my monogram...Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb..." there was a low cheer coming from the middle. I giggled and fixed my posture.

"There's a somebody i'm longin' to see...I hope that he turns out to be...Someone who'll watch over me..." my attention were caught on a dazzling figure, had his both feet above the table. His sight were covered by the shadow under his hat.

A smirk pulled over across his face under the shade of his hat, i lifted a brow before approaching my mic stand back, placing the microphone back at its place. "I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood...I know i could, always be good..." I raised my arms up, "To one who'll watch over me..." just after that the entire bar filled with people's hand clapping. I leaned back up with a huge smile.

There were flowers thrown on the surface of the stage i was standing on, i bowed another thanks before glancing an eye to the corner. Searching for the figure. But my expectation were crushed to him gone. My smile vanished, turning back around to step off the stage. The curtain were closed back as i stepped off.

"(Y/N), that was awesome!"

My eyes diverted to a certain woman beside a pole, i cornered a smile "Thanks Hana."

Made my way to the restroom, i quickly changed my attire. Unzipped the tight leather and put on my casual crop top and black shorts. I flipped my hair to a ponytail and removed my light make up. I forgot to bring my boots, so i still had to wear my cream heels.

Stepping out of the restroom, i made my way to the back. Meeting with the boss who ran the place, his eyes were locked on to the money he was counting. The coins echoed through the small room, dangling off from the small sack.

"Oy boss, imma get goin" i exclaimed, the big guy smirked and pulled out a full sack of coins from the counter under him. I reached for it, mounting the handful of coins on my grasp. "Be sure to come back tomorrow" he said.

I tilted my head "Of course, where else would i be singing?" i jokingly shrugged. I left the room and made my way out of the bar through the back door. The alley was dark, one of its lamp hanging by the corner was seemingly broken. I didn't mind since i used the area quite often to get home.

After just a few steps, a whistle came barging in my ears from beside me. I furrowed my brows and let the air filled the tension as i spun my head, there i saw no other than the famous mercenary i met months ago. I crossed my arms "Well, aren't you interesting."

He straightened up from his leaning posture, hanging his two hands on his belt. He wore his mask, smugly stared down at me "Quite the voice you got there."

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