Twenty One

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I grunted in pain as i reached solid ground. My back hit the cold structure as well as my head. Nausea filled my inner stomach. I squeezed my head lightly, regaining back my focus on my surroundings. It was luminous, the room was covered with steel on each side. I shook my head, finally getting the brighter picture.

A silhouette approached me, kneeling down to offer their hand. I lifted my head up to see Raiden's glimmering pupils. I accepted his hand and made my stand carefully.

"Are you hurt?" he questioned, reaching my head. I shook my head in response, "No, i'm fine."

He nodded surely after my answer. We glanced around the room, only to realize the familiarity it held. We were back in the vault where we first visited the amulet's copy. I stepped out of the vault, only to realize lifeless bodies were still covering the area mostly.

"It looks like we're back. But, why has nothing changed? We spent weeks in that universe," i turned back to see Raiden. His eyes reverted to mine, "Perhaps the procedure of time were not disturbed."

"That means Sub-Zero is back at his temple, right?"

"He is likely to be," he crossed his arms.

Looking back, the universe were rather odd. Yet didn't seem very alien. We had so much in common, in mind and physically. I turned my attention to see a familiar object lying beyond the cold floor, its golden color piqued my curiosity. As i grew closer to it, i started to realize what it was. The copy of Shinnok's Amulet.

Raiden approached it and quickly reached it, admiring it with brows furrowed. I turned to him just to gaze my eyes on it, historically speaking we still could not yet perceive its power.

"Are you going to destroy it?"

"I will have the Special Forces investigate this device. However, i need to deactivate the sorcery lies."

I nodded in agreement. Though we have returned, a doubt stirred my thoughts. Our aid were needed back on the other world, but we were transported back home without a warning. But the risk was too high for us to return back. I bit my lower lip, feeling a little guilty to leave them before we could even lend a hand.

"We definitely weren't ready for the element of surprise. I just wish we could control the timing. Their world needs help, and--" i paused as i sigh, closing my eyes to restore my sanity at its calm state. Raiden turned to me, he seemed to notices my expression.

"Have faith that Bruce Wayne can handle things there from now, (Y/N)."

A hand was placed on my shoulder, i painted a warm smile before nodding to assure him. We stepped out of the vault and headed towards the exit, after Raiden put the amulet aside. The hallway still creeped me out, with the fact bodies still decaying across the bunker's ground. Our sight was greeted by the light outside.

I raised my hand, blocking the light from the spotlight at the nearest corner. My eyes scanned the ground we stepped our feet in, it was nearly covered in snow. Though the thickness didn't cause us any problem. I lifted my head up and flipped my hand, welcoming the falling snowflakes from the sky above.

A sudden chill soothed my nose, i wrinkled the bridge of my nose to see some thin snow. I smiled and swept it off. The cold stroke my lower thighs. Sending the feeling right up my torso. Hot breath came out from our mouth as we're walking forward.

"Should we check on the Grandmaster?" i asked.

Raiden stopped and turned towards me, "Its best for you to rest, (Y/N). I will visit the Lin Kuei Temple."

I crossed my arms, poked the wall inside my mouth with my tongue "Oh come on, i'm not tired. I'm 'immortal' now, remember?"

"That weakens the validity of your behavior last week, when you fell asleep on my lap," a vague smile appeared on the corner of his lips. His statement increased the temperature on my cheeks. I pressed my lips and concealed my face by looking down. Both hands clenched as my face redden.

Fatal strucK | Raiden x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now