Thirty Two

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Young (Y/N)'s clothing :

Raiden excused himself to visit the Outworld

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Raiden excused himself to visit the Outworld. As much as I insisted, Cassie needed my help here in Earthrealm. So I let him leave alone.

I used my spare time to practice my skill, the large area where tanks been parked were the perfect place. Since it was large and has no human running by. I let my scythe swung its way, brushed the air like a knife on a toast. Letting the uneasiness inside me released.

Not for a moment, Cage stepped out with his younger self on the verge of mercy. I raised a brow noticed the two, Cage was scolding him for something which i didn't bother to ask.

"(Y/N), are we interrupting?"

"No Cages, just continue what y'all were doing," I exclaimed from afar.

I continued my practice, steadying my breathing skill. It took some time for me to perfected my balance against my weapon. Though after many attempts, the weight it held, cost me double the power.

The two Johnnys were fighting, I gazed at them and rolled my eyes. Probably a problem caused by the younger one regarding Sonya.

When it ended, I relieved a sigh. Finally I could regain my concentration back, but after a while the alarm went off. I furrowed my brows as the intercom announced, "We're under attack! Repeat, We're under attack!"

I ran towards Johnny who were already holding his weapon. "Cage, what's happening?"

"Did the intercom didn't explain enough?" his younger self exclaimed. I furrowed my brows and followed their lead.

After a few steps, a huge explosion blew off right near us. It sent the three of us flying back, I grunted when I landed on my back. Smoke covered the area, Johnny coughed off. I waved my hand up and down to reveal an opening to my eyes, but it widened quickly as it did.

There the Black Dragon came barging, my attention was occupied when I saw who was at the middle. Erron Black. But what has made my eyes enlarged, was the fact I witnessed myself beside him.  I was about to call out to the both of them, but Cage grabbed my arm, the guys started to shoot towards us as we were running. Young Johnny got shot at his cheek, which made his older self felt the same. We rested ourselves behind a military vehicle.

"Oh, that's freaky like Friday."

"They shot our face, Johnny. They shot. Our FACE," the young one exclaimed, he pulled out a tiny mirror to look at himself. But it immediately broke when a bullet landed on its surface. He grunted in annoyance and grabbed a shied. Charging forward.

"Your younger self will get us killed," I stated. Cage grunted and followed behind him.

He shot some of the guys as I tried to summon my vines beneath them, crushing their legs one buy one. Young Johnny crushed to the group, while Case rushed to fight them. Left me to face Erron and oddly, myself. (Y/N) stepped forward with eyes scanning me up and down, the two of us let each other gazed one another.

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