Thirty Four

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The battle was fierce, our powers were equal enough to have the both of us on our knees. I was panting, low energy and air thickened inside my lungs.

"(Y/N), the crown!"

I glanced at it, and ran towards it. When my hand reached it, I admired it for a moment. "(Y/N), your brain cannot comprehend its power. You are still part human." Cetrion gestured her both hands, sweats ran down her forehead.

I placed it on top of my head, then it hit me. Thousand of souls and magic running through my veins, my eyes flickered with fingers shaking heavily. I stared at Cetrion with her looking back.

I charged towards her, attacking her with all my might. My reflexes were increased when dodging her punch, I swung my feet under her, making her body landed on the ground. She gathered some magic on her hand and stroke me with it. I was pushed back.

She opened her mouth and released a heavy beam from the inside, I compiled all of my magic and strike a deadly force of beam from my chest. The energy collided towards the other, eventually mine won its range. Cetrion was knocked back, she got up slowly with her own hands to support.

I put off the crown, my ear was ringing so badly I placed my thumb on my temple. "(Y/N). You dare to oppose your own mother."

I shook my head lightly, still trying to convince myself that the fight was not yet over. The blurry image on my sight was gradually intact, recalled the focus towards the figure from afar. "I don't care if I'm your daughter, but I can't let you mess with Earthrealm."

Cetrion tightened the grip on her knee. Let our godly eyes in contact. "You left me no choice, (Y/N)."

She casted a spell and made the ground rumbled, she stomped her hand on the dirt and made a giant cliff. The crack on the surface widen, pulling down the stiffed rocks from beneath. Jacqui fell inside but fortunately managed to held on.

Suddenly from the ground, my feet was tangled in vines. Similar to mine. I tried to block her magic and reversed the command on mine, but I failed, unpleasantly. Then, some droplets of water started to form around my head. My arms were locked by hard cold stone merging from the ground.

I was suffocating enough to drop my crown, Young Jax quickly grabbed it and glanced to Cetrion. Beside her Elder Jax already standing grinding his teeth.

"The hell're you doing?! Stop!" He spun his head towards me, I was still holding my oxygen. But it was less and less more generated inside my lungs.

"Give me the crown, and I will spare them both."

"You'll let your own daughter die?!"

"Will you as well?" Cetrion cornered a smirk as shook my head in shock. The air bubbles started to let out of my nose and mouth. The pressure within was increasing by the seconds.

Jacqui shouted something, it was back to Young Jax's decision. But a false one. He threw the crown to his older self. Then, Jacqui was brought back up. The cliff was closed back up the path. But I was still inside her bubble. "Let her go!" Jacqui exclaimed.

"Do not worry, she is not easy to kill."

Cetrion waved her hand, letting the water splashed broken, I shook my head and gasped for air. My hair was dripped down, completely soaked by the water. I stared deeply into the approaching figure as my stare sharpen. She approached me and lifted my head up. "I will go now, dear daughter..." she leaned closer towards my ear and whispered, "All hail Lady Celestia." She chuckled and disappeared with the dusts.

The stone and vines which had locked me in place broke, I fell on my knees with Jax came rushing. I screamed to the ground while having both hands clenched. Punched my fists to the solid ground.

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