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I growled in frustration after the 80th time of my attempt. I bent down my knees, trying to not hyperventilate. I pressed my lips and lifted my head back to observe the tree which has its stem tore apart. The sweats from my forehead kept coming down as i swept them off.

I thank the gods for making the sun shone dimly, or else i would be sweating right out of my clothes. Out of exhaustion, i let my body fell on the grassy ground. Closing my eyes to rest myself. The lack of concern towards my surrounding made me concealed all of my sense. I had not realized a silhouette blocked the light from the sun, as my eyelids recalled.

I opened an eye to let the image focused, revealing a familiar Thunder God leaning down. "(Y/N)," he greeted. In surprise, i quickly sat up. "L-lord Raiden," i stuttered as i caress the hair strands to the back of my ear.

He straightened his pose, "Apologize to startle you." I quickly grasp my on my knees, slowly standing up. I patted my attire from the dust resides, "Please, don't mind me," i smiled.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy at the Sky Temple," i politely asked as i lift my head up.

"I am curious on your doings in the forest," he glanced to the tree near us, with such obvious it has an aperture pointing vertically. I scratched the back of my head, "Well, you see..."

Pudency started to fill my face, having his eyes back locked on my face. I sighed in defeat before replying "Months ago when arrived here, i was transported by a portal, which appeared from a tree. So i tried to, make one? I don't know..." i awkwardly rubbed my lower arm.

Raiden crossed his arms in response. I bit my lower lip at his reaction, thought on he was not quite happy on hearing it. He stepped closer which made me flinch on the spot, by reflexes i closed my eyes, afraid to be scolded. But what happened next surprises me. He instead ruffled my hair softly without wrecking my braids.

I opened my eyes and lifted my gaze, "You should early ask for my guidance." I saw a faint smile from his lips. I could feel my pupils softened as nod my head.

The two of us turned to the tree, scanning the ripped out stem in the middle. I inhaled a deep breath and raise my arm. Pointing my hand at its direction. My eyes' glow intensified, as the magic from my hands merged out. The hole slowly beginning to expand on its width, dark substance filled the void of the emptiness inside. The aura surrounding its vessel.

I bit my lower lip as i came to my unpleasant fatigue, my magic drove off from the hole. Closing its very gap. I almost had it, i saw the dark void inside like last time. If only i had enough power and the talent to achieve such spell.

My thought wondered back, when i first encountered the portal. I remembered my words that were spoken. Asking for help to the gods. Such miracle my prayers were answered. Unconditionally. That was one odd, yet flourishing incident.

I bent down on my knees, trying to seek the missing oxygen "I can't... I haven't mastered my powers on this subject."

Raiden crossed his arms on his chest, "Once you told me your powers are based on your emotions, that may be the key."

"Controlling them is beyond my understanding, that's the first one. Second, maybe my powers hasn't fully developed yet?"

"I highly doubt the last."

I exhaled a deep breath, placing both hands on my hip. "This 'gift' is a pain in the ass... I wish i never received it."

"You should allow yourself to make use of its potential to vanish evil, (Y/N)."

With the sudden breeze soothed my skin, i stood silent. Hands grasped to their knuckles. I sighed and raise my hand, again. Aimed at the tree. When suddenly my other hand was reached by a soft touch. I jolted on my reaction, i turned my head to the figure. Only to blush madly at Raiden's sight.

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