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I wanted to mess around with (Y/N)'s character, below is how (Y/N)'s dialogue will be with some of the characters in kombat. Note that i didn't make every intro for all of them, 'cause of course it would take a very long time. Which i believe i don't have. I hope you like it :D

One of her way, (Y/N) appears from the ground if she enters kombat, using the roots she casted, she merged from the ground. Revealing herself from inside a tucked roots surrounding her body.

The second way, (Y/N) revealed herself landed from above from flying. Rolled over and summoned her scythe as she points it to her opponent. 

With Raiden
- If (Y/N) appears first
(Y/N) : How would you feel if I prefer your brother?
Raiden : I could not bear the pain
(Y/N) : Finally you realize how Kung Lao feels

(Y/N) : A commentary for our thing?
Raiden : Mortal temptations block my duty as a god
(Y/N) : Guess my spell broke through your wall

(Y/N) : Make amends on your future self's action
Raiden : You will need to try harder, Lady (Y/N)
(Y/N) : You dare to assume I would try

- If Raiden appears first
Raiden : Your beauty caught my attention
(Y/N) : Sweet words won't make me hold back, Raiden
Raiden : How unfortunate

Raiden : I feel this is caused by a misunderstanding
(Y/N) : As if all conflicts aren't
Raiden : That may be true

Raiden : A bond was consecrated on my future?
(Y/N) : As surprising as it sounds, yes
Raiden : Sentiment is impossible for me to have

With Erron Black
- If (Y/N) appears first
(Y/N) : Your future self are more mesmerizing
Erron : In the field or in bed, sweetheart?
(Y/N) : Pretty much both

(Y/N) : You'd have my head for a check?
Erron : Depends on the cost
(Y/N) : I'm priceless, cowboy

(Y/N) : Didn't expect you to become soft
Erron : Your voice were like angel speakin
(Y/N) : Oh? Are you the devil then?

- If Erron appears first
Erron : Now don't be jealous, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Not interested on your thoughts of Jade
Erron : I didn't even mention a name

Erron : Somethings never change
(Y/N) : Oh? Surprise me
Erron : That voice is still sexy

Erron : Playing hard to get are we?
(Y/N) : I won't give in on your flirts
Erron : Damn that's hot

With Fujin
- If (Y/N) appears first
(Y/N) : What is it between you and Nightwolf?
Fujin : We are comrades in battle
(Y/N) : I like to believe more than just

(Y/N) : Gay says what
Fujin : What?
(Y/N) : I knew it

(Y/N) : I had a crush on you the first time we met
Fujin : Is the feeling still growing, (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : Maybe if you were straight

- If Fujin appears first
Fujin : My brother is vulnerable of you
(Y/N) : I don't know what you're babbling about
Fujin : Do not evade your responsibility

Fujin : You will make a great mother
(Y/N) : I will let you choose my child's name
Fujin : The honor is mine

Fujin : Is this for personal reason?
(Y/N) : Depends on how you judge it
Fujin : Well... by all means

With Cassie Cage
- If (Y/N) appears first
(Y/N) : I'm not certain on your title of Commander
Cassie : No one suits under it better
(Y/N) : Pride will be your downfall, Cassie

(Y/N) : Can you fully control your magic?
Cassie : Let's try it shall we
(Y/N) : I like your game, Cassandra Cage

(Y/N) : Give me one good reason to hold back
Cassie : Your vulnerability against the Lord of Thunder
(Y/N) : Now you are going to feel my wrath

- If Cassie appears first
Cassie : Can I say it? Just once?
(Y/N) : You wouldn't dare
Cassie : I must consult with the Elder Gods!

Cassie : Aren't you interested in Fujin?
(Y/N) : Seemingly before I knew he likes men
Cassie : Well that's awkward

Cassie : Dating a mercenary was dense
(Y/N) : I live my life dangerously
Cassie : That explains a lot

With Cetrion
- If (Y/N) appears first
(Y/N) : Was leaving after I was born worth it?
Cetrion : It strengthened your spirits
(Y/N) : Not much for love

(Y/N) : How does it feel to look down on humans?
Cetrion : It is the perfect perspective
(Y/N) : Goddess of Virtue my ass

(Y/N) : You can't take back your vows
Cetrion : I always live in verity
(Y/N) : Yet you met dad...

- If Cetrion appears first
Cetrion : What do you see in Raiden?
(Y/N) : That he is the perfect son-in-law for you
Cetrion : You misjudged him

Cetrion : Your choices in men concern me
(Y/N) : What can I say, I have no type
Cetrion : You have no taste

Cetrion : Abide your mother's will, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Such distortion I will not give in
Cetrion : Your sin will be marked

Mirror match
- 1
(Y/N) : Never imagine my nightmare would come true
(Y/N) : Meeting a Goddess is your blessing
(Y/N) : You misspelled curse

(Y/N) : Tell me something I don't know
(Y/N) : I'm pregnant with Black
(Y/N) : By the Elder Gods

(Y/N) : It is true, I have become an abomination
(Y/N) : You can't ignore your destiny
(Y/N) : But I can clearly alter it

- 2
(Y/N) : What sorcery is this?
(Y/N) : Another of mother's trick
(Y/N) : It appears she has gone too far

(Y/N) : I will not fall for your imposture, Shang Tsung
(Y/N) : You speak of no proof
(Y/N) : My hands will eliminate such senseless

(Y/N) : Raiden can only have one mistress
(Y/N) : Exactly why you need to stand down
(Y/N) : You will swallow your own spit

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