Chapter 1

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"wish you were gay" - billie eilish

Focus, Mia.




Tune everything else out.


"Stark!" I finally yell out, fed up with the sounds his screens are making.

"Focus kid." I hear him say through the speakers.

With my eyes closed I shake off the noises and bring my mind back to myself. I focus on the power inside me. I can feel it running through my blood. I track it as it runs through my entire body and connect with it so I can channel it where I need to.

I've been in this training room almost everyday. If i'm working on my powers it's just me down here while Tony Stark and Bruce Banner stand in the watch room higher up, behind a protective barrier. If I'm working on my fighting, someone else is down here with me, usually putting me on my ass.

"Deep breath in." Tony says.

I fill my chest with air.

"Deep breath out."

I release.

"Get ready. Deep breath in." he says one last time.

I shift my stance so I have more of a balanced center and take a deep inhale as I wait for my cue.


I open my eyes as I shift all of my energy through my arms and out of my palms and let my force projection hit the ground and lift me up slightly.

"Hold it kid. Hold it." Tony says.

I roll my eyes. He acts like I'm struggling. "Tony, I've got this part down. I'm pretty sure we can move on."

I don't know if he hears me since he and Bruce are talking about something they're seeing on their screens.

"Tony!" I yell trying to get his attention. Bruce looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic smile before turning his attention back to the conversation.

I let the annoyance I feel fuel me and I push my force field stronger in order to get higher up. I shift slightly forward and push myself up to the barrier, forcing Tony and Bruce to look in my direction.

"Kid!" Tony scolds. "I told you walk before you run."

"I've been walking for months! We've been working on this since I got here. I think I can move past floating a foot above the ground! Clearly I can use my powers to fly."

Bruce places his hand over his mouth to hide his smirk. I know he's talked to Tony about advancing my training so I know he agrees with me. But since Tony decided to oversee the development of my powers he makes the calls.

"That's not the point kid."

"What is the point then?" I say challenging him. I'm hoping we can resolve this soon because I'm starting to get tired and I would prefer Tony not know that.

"The point is fighting while flying." I hear someone say behind me. I turn around just in time to see Clint Barton release an arrow that flies straight at me faster than I can think of a plan. The only thing I can do to not get hit is swerve out of the way, which completely throws me off balance and I lose my support in the air, causing me to fall. I see the floor coming straight at me and I manage to regain my senses just in time to send out a force field and stop myself just a few inches before hitting the ground. I release my projection and plop down onto the floor.

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