Chapter 6: You Don't Faze Me

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Third POV

"Hey, you alright?" Rob whispered, concern laced within his voice. Nora could hear the way it trembled slightly due to the cold.

Nora couldn't find her voice in that moment. Maybe it was due to her shock or the fact that Rob was so close that she could smell his breath, which gave off the aroma of cinnamon and maple.

She didn't know how obvious her blush was, which was taking its sweet time to fully spread across her face. But when she saw the way Rob's perfectly sculpted one turned redder than it was originally, it made her feel a bit better. She felt as if those blue eyes could pierce through her soul. His jawline was outlined clearly and sharply. Everything about him was unreal to Nora.

Kristen just stood off to the side, watching all of this unravel. She started to feel a bit awkward since they were outside of the shop, meaning that other people are constantly passing by. She had a debate in her mind of what she should do; intervene or leave them alone. She ultimately went with the first one.

Her legs took her to stand in front of Nora, pulling her up with ease. She examined all over her body to make sure her twin sister didn't get badly injured. Rob remained on the snowy ground, watching the way Kristen concerned over her sister, Her other half.

Even though there was plenty of distance between the two, their staring contest hasn't ended. In fact, it seems like it's just beginning.

"Lets get you cleaned up." Kristen said softly, Nora finally looking away, nodding her head. They went inside, but only after Kristen helped Rob get back on his feet.

As the photographer sat in one of the booths in the corner, he watched the two sisters interact. He watched the way Kristen wrapped Nora up in a warm burrito snuggle, handing her hot cocoa as well. His heart grew witnessing the sisterly bond that was between them. He's never had a sibling, so he doesn't really know the feeling of someone besides his parents looking out for him all the time. He couldn't help but envy them in that moment.

The boy's eyes slowly wandered and landed on Nora. To says he's never been this confused with his feelings is a big understatement. He's never even had a full on conversation with Nora, yet he already feels so connected to her. This connection felt different than his and Kristen's, more of a curious type of connection. With Kristen, it was sort of an understanding connection. He and Kristen had a bond that was very similar to best friends, even though they have only known each other for a few weeks. Something about Nora made him want to know more about her; her past, her likes and dislikes, etc.

He felt so torn inside; he wants to spend more time with Kristen, but something was compelling him towards Nora.

Nora could tell the way Rob stole glances in her direction every so often. She didn't mind it, well that's what she keeps on telling herself. Whenever he stares at her, she just feels more pressured. She feels like she has to be perfect and she has to be ladylike. The mere thought of this made her cringe, her past flooding back to her. The feeling of her chest closing up came to attack her again. Kristen noticed the way her sister tensed up randomly, but she knew exactly what was happening.

Her PTSD is being triggered again.

"Hey, look at me Nora. Deep breaths ok? In and out." Kristen comforted, demonstrating how she wanted her to breathe. Nora complied, following Kristen's example. Her sister is always there for her panic attacks, eventually learning techniques to help her cope.

Kristen has never EVER not been there for Nora. They've been partners in crime ever since they laid eyes on each other; the sister bond evident from day one.

Nora doesn't know where she'd be without her older sister. She feels so tiny without Kristen around, making her confidence drop significantly. She's had a difficult past that's for sure, but with Kristen she was able to move on.....sort of.

Some people might not believe it when they first meet Nora, but she used to be so outgoing and social. Something that occurred a few years ago however changed her completely. All of her emotions shut off for a good year or two, refusing to open again until she had some type of closure. She's never felt such pain in her life, heartbreak type of pain at least.

Kristen is the only one who really knows about her past; all of her other friends lost in the process of her trying to regain herself again.

Nora brought her mind back to Rob, glaring a bit at him as a sign to back off. Rob definitely noticed this, turning his head away quickly. He hid his face slightly in his hands, his bronze locks cascading over his blue eyes. "Well that changed quickly." He whispered to himself.

The sounds of NY started to slow down, a muffle effect started as the noise suppressed. The snow never ending as it fell down from the purple blue sky.

Rob stayed later then he usually does to help Kristen and Nora close up shop and prepare for tomorrow. He was wiping down all of the counters and tables, leaving no crumb behind. He grabbed a broom and started meticulously catching every stray piece of food. He also took out the trash and the recycling.

The man took a moment to catch his breath, never realizing just how much effort it takes to run a place like this. He can't help but wonder how much they make a day. The food here really isn't that expensive, yet it's such good quality. He got the chance to watch the way the other workers handmade every pastry and dessert, no machines involved.

The appreciation that he has for people like the ones working here only grew. He admired the way that they promise the best quality of food to their customers and they never disappoint. They give to others without asking for a lot in return, which warmed his heart.

"Ok I think that's everything. We can head out now." Kristen shouted from the back of the shop, her voice reaching Rob's ears right away. He wiped off his hands sloppily on his shirt, grabbing his coat, slipping it on.

The photographer walked up to the pair of girls, eying Kristen first then Nora.

"Uhm, can I talk to you alone Kris?" He asked. Kristen hesitated for a second, hoping that Rob didn't notice.

"Sure? Here Nora go wait in the car, ok?" Nora only huffed a little in annoyance, eventually leaving the two alone.

"What's up?" Kristen questioned casually, leaning her body slightly on the beige colored walls.

Rob shuffled a bit back and forth, a bit hesitant on asking his question. He feared that it might be too personal, or that Kristen will find it silly.

"Just....what's up with Nora? I'm not saying you have to tell me, but I'm curious." The bronze haired man stated carefully, waiting for Kristen's answer.

"You know I get that question a lot." Her tone was sort of sad, he couldn't really tell. The only thing he noticed was how broken Kristen looked when he forced her to explain why her sister is the way she is.

She fumbled with her fingers for a while. After around three minutes of silence, she finally spoke up.

"Look I don't think it's my place to tell her full story. She'll tell you when she's ready." Kristen whispered, voice faltering.

Rob furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

That's when Kristen looked up with probably the most serious and informing stare he's ever seen from her.

"She'll tell you someday. When that someday comes, you need to be there for her."

OooOooooooOooo 😂
💖1334 words💖

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